Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 37

With screen mirroring , do you expect larger screens at the seats than we see now ? If so , will there still be curated content ( movies , TV shows , etc .) on the screen , or will it be customized for the passenger based on login ? Or both ?
There has been a trend towards maximizing screen size but within the constraints of the seatback space . In first and business class there is some scope to increase the size further . On the other hand , some passengers , including younger generations , are looking for a seamless experience using their PED on board , whether that ’ s the screen on their phone , tablet , or laptop . What ’ s important is to enable passengers to use any of these options . We constantly observe the trend of passengers using two devices simultaneously . We also anticipate that tailored content and AI-generated experiences will become more prevalent . As onboard connectivity improves , such as through 5G and low latency , streaming will also be part of the onboard experience . Ultimately , passengers will continue with what they seamlessly enjoy on the ground .
How will seating change in the future — width of seat , leg room , seat covers , comfort measures ( blankets / pillows , etc ...) more ability to recline ?
There ’ s a constant focus on enhancing passenger experience , and the seat is at the center of that . Today ’ s focus is on ( seat ) weight reduction and sustainability benefits without compromising comfort . Extended possibilities for reclining are another area . There ’ s scope for further development in these aspects . Lightweight options and extension of the cabin space in new aircraft can free up space slightly to give passengers something extra . New developments in trim and finish , such as knitted dress covers , also show the potential to reduce weight and provide elevated comfort .
JUNE | JULY 2024 ISSUE NO . 39 37