Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 36

First , in aircraft interiors of the future , do you see individualized seating ( as shown in the images ), or will there still be seating by price ( such as coach , comfort class , first class , etc ...)?
Space on board an aircraft will always be the most valuable commodity . We ’ ll still see different cabin zones or classes with varying amounts of space in the future , but AI can transform the visual and sensory experience in any cabin or seat . The images show a future business class seat experience , although many of the themes addressed will be applicable throughout the cabin in the future .
The images depict a personal screen view for the passenger . Is that through visual eyewear technology or virtual reality ?
This prediction is made through visual eyewear technology , AR , and mixed reality . Each of these is bringing this concept closer . VR has been tried before , but it can be disorienting , and the headsets are large and cumbersome . AR is much more realistic as it enables the context of the environment and involves smaller wearable devices . The launch of Apple ’ s Vision Pro will inevitably accelerate the use of these technologies in different settings , including on board an aircraft where the passenger has time to spare , either for work or entertainment .