Northwest Aerospace News - Issue No. 39 June | July 2024 | Page 38

How will boarding change in the future to accommodate passengers ?
As we all know , boarding can be a pain point in the journey as passenger anxiety elevates in the race to claim stowage space and keep essential items close by for the duration of the flight . There are new cabin products that solve this , subject to passengers following instructions ! Each airline has a different approach to sequenced boarding , and it ’ s quite evident that more could be done through apps or AI to stage this process more efficiently by guiding the passenger rather than giving inconsistent verbal instructions based on a label on their boarding pass .
What does a more personalized experience on future flights look like , from booking to bag check to boarding to meals ?
Digital technologies allow the journey to begin from the time of booking . Pre-order and pre-selection are super important . They ’ re as much about getting what you want and expanding menu choices as reducing waste . Virtually checking your seat space to ensure that you have the environment and functionality you require , planning entertainment so time passes optimally , and planning the first and last mile so there are no queues , barriers , or surprises . There are so many points across the journey where improvements could be achieved : examples that come to mind are haptics , stimulated by the sense of touch and motion that can help passengers feel more in control ; personalized notifications to start the boarding or transfer process ; or to be able to receive notifications in your preferred language without multiple public announcements .
We recently developed a concept that uses navigation systems to guide passengers through the airport according to their preferences or mobility . This might be guidance towards a specific retailer or a step-free route . Moving from home to destination in a planned way would be transformational .
You mentioned Gen Alpha for these changes ; what considerations are given to older generations and their preferences ?
This is a very good point , and both age groups deserve equal consideration as new cabins are being developed . The next generation of travelers , Gen Alpha , will seek a seamless experience using integrated technology that is inclusive to all . Older generations will make up a significant volume of passengers . Hence , our focus at PriestmanGoode is about accessibility on board and a sensitivity to the requirements of a whole range of hidden disabilities . Ultimately , it ’ s more efficient to design for all rather than amend the cabin interior for different needs . Meeting the needs of these groups and solutions that work alongside each other will be vital . We must not forget the crew either ; solutions that help them will free up time for even more personalized service . The human touch will remain super important .