Phase 6 . Effecting - Navigating that things get done in the experiments
This phase is the big brother of step B ( uilding networks and the experiment ) in part two of the strategy . It is about coordinating the implementation of the different experiments and ensuring that the contributions the municipality promised to add to the experiment are kept . As in step B , this is done through establishing a monitoring and evaluation scheme early on in the process , firmly rooted in the entire experimental setup . This scheme helps to evaluate if the charted goals are reached and if not , what actions have to be triggered in the next phase to alter the experiments .
Tasks to take in this phase could be :
Task 6-1 : Let the experiments begin ! Ensure that the contributions the municipality promised to add to the experiment are kept and help to speed up the process . Task 6-2 : Develop indicators for monitoring whether the targeted goals are on their way to be achieved . Task 6-3 : Decide on a timing and role division concerning the monitoring . Where in the time or during the building phases could an evaluation and re-evaluation of actions take place ?
Task 6-4 : Develop also indicators for monitoring the organisational setup of the living laboratory itself . Questions to evaluate could include : How is the joint execution of the experiments working ? How are power relations affected ? Where has the concept to be altered to ensure a goal-oriented operation of the living lab ?
Task 6-5 : Based on the results of the monitoring , carry out an evaluation if important institutional barriers , societal , economic , environmental trends and drivers of change might have been overseen in the first four phases .