Phase 7 . Co-evolving - Integrate the learnings from the experiments to the strategic level
This phase is the more high-level or strategic counterpart of step C ( ollecting learnings ). Through a careful assessment of the experiments ’ outcomes , learning can be fed back to a higher , strategic level , for instance when they lead to re-conceptualizing the problem or shift the frame of reference . Meanwhile , also circumstances might have changed , new knowledge emerged , political decisions altered , and focuses shifted . The phase of co-evolving requires to adopt a long-term yet transformative perspective , when assessing these new developments together with the conceptual learning that experiments gave rise to , to ensure that the visions , practice and plans remain relevant in the light of the broader trajectory of long-term societal change .
Tasks to take in this phase could be :
Task 7-1 : Evaluate how users react to the introduced experiments and if a change in behaviour compared to the areas outside of the living laboratory Nordhavnen is occurring
Task 7-2 : Identify whether the outcomes of the experiments indicate that the initial problem needs to be conceptualised differently , or whether the frame of reference needs to be adjusted in order to tackle the original problem more adequately .
Task 7-3 : Evaluate what unintended consequences or reactions are occurring and if they are related to any trends , which have not been included in the strategic considerations at the start Task 7-4 : Evaluate if those consequences or reactions can be captured by altering the setup of the experiments Task 7-5 : Examine critically if any regulatory barriers prevent to exploit the full potential of experiments Task 7-6 : Evaluate if the overall operation strategy for the living laboratory has to be adjusted Task 7-7 : Evaluate whether aspects of the mobility system developed under the living laboratory setting have come to a matureness that allows for their diffusion into the broader cityscape
With the completion of phase 7 , a first round of the transformative operation strategy for a living laboratory is completed . A living lab approach has become more firmly rooted in a planning practice of strategic navigation , reflection and adjustment , and the first fruits from this approach have already been harvested .