Want to create the perfect sales letter – fast ? Try this template . Not only is it easy to do , it ’ s also highly effective .
And if you know your market and your product , you should be able to crank out a rough draft of your sales letter in about an hour .
Then set it aside for a day or two to let it
‘ percolate ’ in your brain . Come back , polish it up and post it . Here goes : Pattern Interrupt with a BIG Promise – Get their attention and promise something big , bold and specific .
“ Veterans , is the government ripping you off ? Here ’ s how to finally get every benefit you earned while in the service of your country - even the 14 benefits they never told you about !”
State the Problem and Make it Hurt – This is the main problem your product solves , the one that is currently making your customer ’ s life hell .
Don ’ t just state the problem – really agitate it . Make them feel how bad it is to have this problem of theirs .
“ Beautiful women look at you like you ’ re a tick on a dog , and you can ’ t get a date with anyone but your second cousin Shirley – the shrill shrew who never stops reminding you of the time you pooped your pants at the family reunion .”
“ Here ’ s what most people do ” – this is where you talk about alternatives and why they don ’ t work , shutting down all avenues to solve the problem except the one you are offering .
“ People try anything to lose weight . One woman ate nothing but grapefruit for a month , and all she lost was her energy and her hair . Another woman walked and ran 20 miles a day , and while she didn ’ t lose any weight , she did get both knees replaced within the year .”
“ Here ’ s what I do .” This is your solution . Tell why it ’ s best and why they must have it .
“ When I stumbled on this method I was flat broke and 8 days away from declaring bankruptcy . 3 months later my $ 125,000 mortgage was completely paid off . Yes , I was as shocked as you , but here ’ s the proof .”
Outline the Deal , Ask for the Sale – Don ’ t be afraid . If you ’ ve done the previous steps correctly , they ’ re ready to buy at this point .
“ When you order today , you get A , plus B , plus C . And I ’ ll throw in D , E and F to absolutely guarantee your success . All this , and it ’ s only $ 9.99 .”
Close the Deal – this is the either / or part . “ You ’ re either going to take full risk-free advantage of this deal and get all these benefits , or you ’ re going to go on having this horrible problem .”
“ You could continue as before , sitting home alone every night where the only women you ever see are on TV or porn sites . Or you can do what so many others have done and grab this program . Even before you complete the second module , you ’ ll notice women are looking at you differently . They ’ re smiling at you , making small talk , slipping their phone numbers into your pocket , casually touching you … your only problem will be scheduling all these beautiful women into your new dating lifestyle .” That ’ s it . Yes , writing sales copy really is that easy . Have fun with it and make yourself tons of sales on your next product .