Quite true , isn ’ t it ? Is it ? Really ?? When you hear something enough times , you think it ’ s true . “ Of course , it ’ s true , EVERYONE KNOWS it ’ s true .” Yeah . Right . Do you really need to know all the basics of how to market online before you can start making money ? OR … Can you find a desire in the market , create a product and get it online within a week , knowing almost nothing about what you ’ re doing ? I ’ ll give you an example : Let ’ s say you ’ ve heard about “ Internet Marketing ,” but you really haven ’ t paid any attention to it .
They say you have to walk before you run … … you have to finish 9 th grade before you can start 10 th grade … … you have to start at the bottom and work your way up … … and all that stuff .
You don ’ t know how to set up a WordPress site , build a list , create a product or any of that stuff . But last week you got laid off from your job . Unemployment compensation will barely cover the mortgage . Food ? Utilities ? Insurance ? Car payment ? You need money , and you need it fast .
So , you don ’ t pay attention to all those people who say you have to ‘ pay your dues ,’ ‘ learn the basics first ’ and all those other ancient clichés .
Instead , you hit a forum , or Amazon , or the
Dummie ’ s guides . You find a desire that people have . You devise a plan to make a product that fulfills that desire . You decide to get it on the market in 7 days . Website building ? Sales letters ? Turning a word doc into a PDF ? And a hundred other little things ? You ’ ve got help for that – Google . Every time you need to know something , you
Google it . Yeah , I know – it ’ s too easy , right ? Where ’ s the suffering ? The pain ? When do the dues get paid ?
Getting a product online within a week ( or even a month ) of first beginning in Internet marketing is like skipping your first 3 and a half years of college and graduating in no time . Come to think of it … what ’ s wrong with that ? Some of the richest people in the world didn ’ t graduate college . They were too busy DOING . So yes , I do believe a person can run before they walk in Internet Marketing . I ’ ve seen it done too many times to not believe it . What are you waiting for ? A written invitation ? ; - )