Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 60

50 Noble Use of Money Mahatmas Are Like God How can you make the best use of your money right now? By giving to charities or educational institutions? No, the best way to use it is to serve the mahatmas. Take care of them or invite them for a meal or tea and snacks. You will not find people like the mahatmas anywhere in this world. In their company you will experience satyug (The first of the four time cycle characterized by virtue, wisdom, happiness and morality). Their only concern is your salvation. If you do not have the money, eat and live at a mahatma’s home, it is just like our home. There is mutual reciprocity in a mahatma’s home. Whoever has extra money, use it. If you have more, use it to make other human beings happy, spend it for the welfare of all living beings. If you give to schools and colleges, you will receive fame, but this is real. I guarantee you that these mahatmas are absolutely real. No matter what they are like, they may not even have enough money, but their intentions are pure even though their prakrutis are different. These mahatmas are living divinities within whom the pure Soul has been manifested. They do not forget the Soul even for a moment. Questioner: Do we not also reap benefits by feeding other people? Dadashri: Yes you do, but only in the form of praises here in this life, that is all. For feeding them you are rewarded here in this life, whereas the one whose praise is not sung will be rewarded in the next life. Questioner: So one has to take it along with him? Dadashri: You have to take it with you. Whatever you give, you have to take with you. If you receive any praise for what you give, then your benefits get used up here.