Noble Use of Money
Questioner: So we will have to stop feeding people
from tomorrow.
Dadashri: The feeding that you are doing is mandatory
(effect). Whatever is mandatory has to be carried out; there is
no way out of that.
There is a difference between feeding the mahatmas and
feeding others. Feeding others will earn you praise. Here, no
one has come to sing your praise. You will never find such
people like our mahatmas, not even amongst the Brahmins.
The mahatmas do not have any desire or intentions to take
anything from you. These mahatmas do not take advantage of
anybody. Where would you find such mahatmas? These
mahatmas are true people. There cannot be such people
anywhere in this world! This world is opportunistic.
If a person meets a doctor, he thinks to himself it is good
to know a doctor, because he will come in handy someday.
Such foolishness! Is this all the world is good for, for free
medicine? He is healthy and yet he is wishing for free medicine?
This is not the case with the mahatmas. They do not harbor
such thoughts. Such thoughts would not occur to them.
If only one can understand a word of what I say about
these mahatmas. The mahatmas are like God, but they are
not aware of it. Any service to mahatmas is considered the
epitome of all yagnas (ceremonial sacrifices of the highest kind).
Even if you have to sell your jewelry to feed them, it would be
a good deed. Your jewelry will not give you peace. Sit with the
mahatmas; they never have any negative intentions. So as much
as you can, take care of the mahatmas and feed them. Even
serving them a cup of tea would be enough.
Explain It This Way !
A man wanted to donate money and he came to me for
advice. I realized that this man had no idea about how to give
donations. He was sincere and good at heart and had the money.