Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 59

Noble Use of Money 49 Simandhar Swami’s temple. If you do not have too much money, there is nothing better than feeding the mahatmas (people who have acquired Gnan). If you have even less then that, then it is better to give to someone in misery, but do not give cash. Give them food and other necessities. Is it not possible to make donations even with a small amount? Current Living Tirthankara Lord Simandhar Swami You must have heard of Simandhar Swami? He is the current living Tirthankara in Mahavideh Kshetra. Simandhar Swami is one hundred and seventy-five thousand years old. He is going to live for another one hundred and twenty-five thousand years. I am making a connection with him for you because you have to go to Him. There will be at least one more life for you (those who have attained the Self). There is no liberation directly from this planet in this life for anyone. You have to spend some ti