Noble Use of Money
Also, those who give praise earn merit karma. Such a person
binds merit karma by supporting a good cause even if they do
not donate money. Everything works on a very subtle level.
These are all laws of nature.
The one, who praises a charitable action, benefits himself
and others because when other people hear him, and in turn,
they too will think that giving donations is a worthy cause. These
people then charge merit karmas with their good intentions.
Questioner: What should we do when we devote our
mind, body, and wealth towards a good cause and someone
continues to speak ill of us?
Dadashri: The person that discredits you will bind
tremendous demerit karma. Your karma of the past with the
insult is being washed away at the hands of the one who is
discrediting you. He is simply a nimit.
The Hunger Of The Pride
I analyze my own nature! I used to visit Srimad
Rajchandraji’s ashram in Agas, when I was a contractor. At
that time, money was not a problem for me. In those days, a
hundred rupee note had a lot of value. When I gave a donation,
I would make sure that it was recorded. I would give a hundred-
rupee note and ask them to return seventy-five rupees. I could
have easily given the whole amount, but my mind at the time
was stingy and beggarly and so I used to take the money back.
Questioner: Dada, even back then you made very subtle
Dadashri: Yes, but what I am saying that this nature of
one’s prakruti (the body complex with ego) does not go away.
People used to tell me that I was a very noble man. I asked
myself how I could be regarded as noble, when I was being
miserly with my donations. Upon further investigation, I
discovered that I would spend thousands of rupees where I