Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 49

Noble Use of Money 39 received praise from people, but otherwise I was not willing to spend even a single rupee! It was not that my prakruti was stingy, but if I did not receive any recognition, then I would not give anything, regardless of what the cause may be. Where I received praise, I would give away all my earnings. I would even incur a debt in order to give! Now for how long can such praise last? A few days or so, and then it is all gone. See how my past incidents come to mind? I still remember very clearly that I gave hundred rupees and took back seventy- five. I can even visualize that office. I asked myself, “Is this what you are all about? Just look at the nobleness of all others!” I understood my behavior. I had a generous mind, but I needed people to praise me. All they needed to do was to sing my praise, and I was at their disposal. Questioner: Dada, such is the nature of man. Dadashri: Yes, that is all prakruti. Banias (business caste) are very shrewd people. They do not get sold on praise. They are great thinkers. They will assess whether their reward will be used up in this life or whether it will be carried forward for their next life. A person uses up all his rewards when he receives praise, all his benefits will be expended in this life; he will taste the fruits here and now. We Kshatriyas (warrior caste) are very decisive. We believe in taking action at all costs. Even all the Tirthankaras (the enlightened ones) were Kshatriyas. The sadhus (Jain ascetics) themselves say that they cannot become Tirthankaras, because when they take the vow to become ascetics, they renounce everything, but still keep a little money aside, just in case. That is their basic internal trait, whereas the Kshatriyas will renounce everything on the spot. To a Kshatriya, the promise to pay is a promise for everything, at all costs! They are not capable of anything else; they do not understand anything else. They are not thinkers! Nevertheless liberation comes faster to them.