Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 47

Noble Use of Money 37 Charity For The Self Only that which you put aside for the Soul, will be carried forward in your next life. You will not gain any benefits for your next life if you receive recognition and fame for what you do, in this life. Questioner: What will carry forward? Dadashri: Whatever you do for the Soul, will increase your spiritual energies and that is what carries forward to your next life. Questioner: And by receiving praise and fame, we use up our reward (punya) in this life, correct? Dadashri: Yes, you will get the praise and it is all over. None will carry forward. Feast Of Praises Questioner: When I give donations, my intentions are that the money be used for religious and other good causes. But if people praise me for my deeds, are the benefits not lost? Dadashri: When large donations are made, they inevitably become publicized and the donor receives praise. Anonymous donations do not receive any recognition and so the rewards remain intact, but you should not involve yourself in the matter of future profits. You should not have any expectations for fame. Even Lord Mahavir received praise from people, but he never accepted it. Dada too gets a lot of praise but he does not accept any of it either. Worldly people (not self-realised), on the other hand, are quick to accept any praise because they have a hunger for it. Donations are bound to be exposed and people cannot refrain from singing your praise, but as long as you do not accept them, what is the problem? The problem begins when you accept the praise. The one who does not accept any praise remains unaffected and therefore does not incur any loss.