No Signals Volume II | Page 5


You are an expert on your own life, nobody knows you better than you. It's too easy to allow people dictate who you are, you're an expert of yourself, you know what you can do and be. Who am I to tell you, I'd rather remind you that it starts with your mindset. The mindset is such a fragile thing that can be shaken, inspired, driven, deprived, or unhelpful.

If everything was easy for us our lives would be pretty boring don't you think? I'd rather know how to cook it from scratch than have it appear on a platter already made and it appears to be just right until I bite into it to know something is missing. Had I not known how to do it from scratch, I wouldn't have given it one thought that something was wrong with it.

I'd rather know how to cook it from scratch than have it appear on a platter already made and it appears to be just right until I bite into it to know something is missing. Had I not known how to do it from scratch from the beginning I wouldn't have given it one thought that something was wrong with it.

Easy Does It, hard work makes it, complacency is a double edge sword, progression on a daily is what I strive towards, and Everlasting Dominance in Intelligence is available for everyone’s award.

NSV II / April, 2016 5

NSV II / April, 2017 5