No Signals Volume II | Page 4

it's too easy

It's too easy to get comfortable where you are, it's too easy to lighten up, and it's too easy to quit when things don't go your way. It's too easy for people to applaud the end result without giving it one thought of how you got there and prepared for it. It's too easy to question whether your preparation is worth it when the progress has not been shown at an instant. It's too easy to throw your hands up and say I don't care, only to walk away realizing you cared more than you thought. Do you appreciate easiness in all areas of your life or is it something that tells you, I’m going to have to work hard for this one. I was once told if it comes easy to you, you wouldn't appreciate whatever you got, just as much as you would if you had to battle for it. Just as easy as it was to get whatever you're chasing, it’s just as easy for it to be taken away or harm your decision making in the future.

It's too easy to make a phone call for someone to bail you out of a predicament, instead of dealing with it, realizing your faults, and how you should go about doing things next time. It's easy to get what we want, but appears to be difficult to get what we need. A need, as in to better ourselves or situation. When it's just as easy to make the effort to go for what we need, it's just that hard choice, to make the right decision.

Easy is cool but I appreciate the hard work, the struggle, the grind, the desire, and the determination to convert what is difficult to do or master, easy. Once it becomes easy to me, I transition into an expert. An expert can be a person that knows more on a particular subject or field than the audience or more than the person across from them.

NSV II / April, 2016 4

NSV II / April, 2017 4