No Signals Volume II | Page 3

Example BE one

NSV II / April 2017 3

3 degrees down, many more to go and I'm not talking about academically. Academically I am recognized to be astute in my profession, yet some people still cannot fathom where education can take you even after I tell them.

I'm just trying to set a good example

When I was single I mingled & when I was in a relationship I cut off other relations to focus on that one. Now that I'm single and have matured, I know the true essence of what a relationship develops into & where it should end, at the altar until death do us part.

I'm just trying to set a good example

Watch how we act & what we say around these kids, they're looking up to us & t.v. for crying out loud. So when I ask you to chill out on the cursing when I see children nearby don't get upset with me.

I'm just trying to set a good example

When I tell you all the things I'm doing and involved in, don’t take it as if I'm bragging or showing you up. I'm just trying to make sure I'm using all of me for God's purpose in my life cause I ain't got time to waste.

I'm just trying to set a good example

Everybody can't relate to what they haven't seen or read, but when an example of what you can be or look forward to pattern yourself after is in your presence physically, ask that person how they did it & doing it so you can be an example to others on what they could be.

I'm just trying to set a good example

Nobody will ever be you, but somebody will mimic you. Nobody is perfect, but strive for your perfection. When you come across someone that says they want to be just like you, you should be able to see your reflection

Be a good example