Another issue that can be helped with the proper treatment is
post-chemotherapy neuropathy and radiation therapy.
Chemicals from cancer therapy and radiation destroy the nerve
cells, which affects their ability to conduct signals.
Peripheral neuropathy tends to get better over time, and this is
especially true of cases with a definite cause, such as disease or
exposure to toxins, that can be treated or managed.
The treatment for peripheral neuropathy depends largely on
the cause of the nerve damage. Peripheral nerves have little ability
to regenerate, so it is vital to get treatment early.
The Micro-current Vascular Treatment System is a dramatic
treatment for peripheral neuropathy.
The Micro-current Vascular Treatment System is the result of
several years of research and development. Thousands of patient
case histories show The Micro-current Vascular Treatment System
to be totally safe and effective in the treatment of a cross section
of vascular deficiency cases. The following conditions have all
responded well with excellent results:
• Diabetic Neuropathy for Arms and Lower Extremity
• Post Chemotherapy Neuropathy
• Post Radiation Neuropathy
• Occupational Medicine (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
• Peripheral Vascular Disease
• Ischemic Rest Pain
Micro-current has a potent effect on the microcirculation,
which results in dramatic responses to impaired circulation in the
JULY 2015
capillary beds. Without blood flow to the tissues, oxygen and
nutrients cannot get into the tissues and the waste products of
metabolism cannot get out. This puts a severe stress on the tissues
causing them to go into a survival mode. The cells use what
limited resources they have to stay alive and higher functions,
including healing and repair, become essentially shut down.
The Micro-current’s electrical form stimulates budding of new
capillaries and generation of denser capillary networks in the tissues. This lays the groundwork for new tissue growth and repair
in the healing process, and the new tissue results in improved
blood flow that has shown to be permanent in most