A solution to nerve pain that
actually works
You may have burning or tingling in your hands
or feet, have diabetes or have been treated for
cancer with chemotherapy. Have you been told that
you have to live with the problem or have you been
given drugs to help that just don’t work?
There is a life changing solution that will put an
DR. LARRY end to the suffering of what is called Peripheral NeuGOLDFARB, ropathy.
Peripheral neuropathy is a medical condition that
causes tingling, numbness and burning pain
throughout the body, but primarily in the hands and feet. According to the Mayo Clinic, peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a
number of factors including diabetes, chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment, specific diseases and exposure to toxic
Peripheral neuropathy results from damage to, or an inflammation of, the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. These
nerves extend from the spinal cord to points throughout the body.
The body-wide extent of the peripheral nervous system means
that neuropathy can cause symptoms at almost any location, but
most victims report pain, burning, numbness, tingling and
reduced sensation in the hands and feet. Sometimes, the symptoms are described by patients as feeling like they are wearing
stockings or gloves due to the reduced sensitivity to touch.
The majority of patients treated have sensory neuropathies.
Sensory neuropathies cause changes in the way you perceive
things, such as pain sensitivity, numbness, tingling and reduced
sensation of the hands and feet.
The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes.
Diabetes destroys the nerve cells due to the high levels of circulation sugar in the blood. Diabetes can affect many different body
sites, especially the eyes and peripheral nerves in the hands and
feet. You don’t have to be a raging diabetic to suffer the effects of
peripheral neuropathy, as there are patients with slightly-elevated
blood-sugar levels with this condition.
Diabetes is a serious condition, and more than 29 million
Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. The disease is on the rise
due to poor diet choices and the consumption of fast foods that
are convenient but not usually the healthiest choice. Poor diets
increase inflammation, which also increases the effects of the
neuropathy. As part of the treatment, follow a diet that is low in
sugars with a reduction of grains and dairy.
JULY 2015