NJ Cops | Page 73

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 69 training to all officers in Union county! We followed that model for a countywide project in Passaic and Hunterdon Counties thanks to the credibility and truth in Ken’s simple and direct message that represents the law enforcement officer’s voice without politics, position or personal opinion getting in his way: We have to do more to help. Our best stories about Kenny’s heroism include regular statements heard at Cop 2 Cop on calls or on our peer phones, when officers say “I heard Kenny at our PBA meeting,” or “a friend told me a union county officer said you can help me.” Some of those cases have resulted in actual rescues from officers in crisis. Ken has inspired change and service and never asked for anything in return. He is blessed with a beautiful wife Renee, daughter Victoria, and two amazing sons, Ryan and Connor, who recently graduated from St. Peters Prep and who are heading to Hofstra University as wrestling superstars in the fall. It was no coincidence when I wrote this article that Saint Peter’s words came to mind. Although Saint Michael is the police officer’s patron saint, Saint Peter is known simply as “a man for others,” which perfectly summarizes who Kenny really is. Godspeed in your retirement; your legacy lives on every time a PBA State Delegate calls Cop 2 Cop or an officer finds the courage to reach out for help. Everyone at the NJSPBA and all of us at Cop 2 Cop are eternally grateful and blessed that you have been and always will be “a man for others.” d www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ JULY 2015 73