NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 81

HEALTH & WELLNESS Understanding and treating sciatica Sciatica (pronounced sigh-at-eh-kah) is a term used to describe painful symptoms such as tin- gling, numbness or weakness in the leg. The pain typically begins in the lower back and travels down the buttock, then down the large sciatic nerve in the back of each leg. Although sciatica is not a medical diagnosis, it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. DR. MARIAM Common lower back problems such as a her- GHOBRIEL- niated disc, degenerative disc disease, spondy- SAWIRIS lolisthesis and spinal stenosis often cause sciat- ica symptoms. Physicians may diagnose patients with sciatica if they have one or more of the following symp- toms: •leg pain that is often described as burning, tingling or numb • diffi culty moving the leg, foot and/or toes • sharp pain that makes it diffi cult to stand or walk • constant pain on one side of the buttock or leg • pain radiating down the leg and possibly into the foot • lower back pain. Sciatic pain can range from infrequent and annoying to constant and debilitating. This variation is usually a result of the location of the pinched nerve, which can intensify when moving suddenly or changing positions such as moving from sitting to standing. The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the body and is made up of individual nerve roots which start in the lower back. Symptoms occur when the large nerve is compressed or irritated at or near its point of origin. The condition will need to be treated if it is severe enough to cause ongoing fl are-ups of sciatic nerve pain so that it does not worsen over time. However, nonsurgical treatments in conjunction with certain exercises can relieve the pain that most patients experience. These include heat/ice, pain med- ications such as muscle relaxers, and epidural steroid injec- tions. Some may be temporary fi xes, and they work for some patients but not all. When the pain is severe or does not get better on its own, a more structured treatment approach, possibly including surgery, may be the best option for preventing or minimizing future pain and dysfunction for those who cannot get relief otherwise. It’s best to share all your symptoms with your physician so the best treatment program can be designed.  Mariam Ghobriel-Sawiris, M.D. is the chair of the Pain Management Division at Centrastate Medical Center and board-certifi ed in pain management. She has been practicing pain management in the Monmouth County area for more than 10 years. Liberty Pain Center has an outstanding patient satisfaction reputation and is located at 800 West Main St., Suite 111, Freehold, NJ 07728. To schedule an appointment, please call 732-303-0102. www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ SEPTEMBER 2018 81