NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 80

HEALTH & WELLNESS You don’t want to ‘PAD’ your life HEALTHY LIVING TIPS FROM Between hectic work schedules and weekends packed with activities, it’s no wonder we often ignore pains and cramps in our legs. Many of us just chalk it up to being on our feet too much. Unfortunately, these pains could be a sign of peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a serious vascular condition. PAD is caused by plaque buildup in the arteries supplying the legs, resulting in reduced blood fl ow. Typical symptoms of impaired leg circulation include pain, aching, tiredness or cramping in leg muscles while walking, running or using stairs that goes away when resting. If you have foot or toe pain that disturbs your sleep, or a skin wound or ulcer on your feet or toes that’s slow to heal, don’t ignore it — get checked out! If PAD symptoms are ignored, they can lead to disability, amputation and poor quality of life. Additionally, blocked leg arteries found in people with PAD are often a red fl ag that other arteries — including those in the heart and brain — also may be blocked, increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Many people are at higher risk for PAD; your risk increases if you smoke, have high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, are African-American, are older than 50 or have a family history of coronary heart disease or stroke.  80 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ SEPTEMBER 2018 Free PAD screening to be held Sept. 22 Deborah Heart and Lung Center will host its annual free screening on Saturday, Sept. 22 to assess for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which is impaired circulation in the legs. This common and dangerous vascular disease occurs when arteries in the legs become clogged with fatty deposits, reducing blood fl ow, and can lead to heart attack, stroke, amputation and death. Typical symptoms of PAD include pain, aching, cramping or fatigue in leg muscles while walking or using stairs. To fi nd out if you’re eligible for the screening, call 609-621-2080, option 2. For more information about how Deborah Heart and Lung Center’s leading-edge technologies can improve your quality of life or for an appointment with a Deborah specialist, please visit www. demanddeborah.org.