NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 62

Woodbridge Junior Police Academy leaves lasting impression Once again, the Woodbridge Junior Police Academy was the highlight of the summer for many kids. Woodbridge Local 38 recently completed its 10th summer camp, designed to give children the chance to see what it’s like to be a law enforcement officer. Members of Local 38 ran two weeklong boot camp sessions devoted to teaching young participants discipline and hard work. The program provided instruction on multiple elements of police work, including motor vehicle stops, crime scene in- vestigation and first aid. The campers also experienced a SWAT team demonstration. Local 38 members worked hard to make the Junior Police Academy a valuable experience for young people that will shape positive views of law enforcement and build character. By the end of the week, the kids didn’t want the academy to end. d 62 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ SEPTEMBER 2018