NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 18
828 | Mark 14:64
do we need any more witnesses?” he a sked.
have heard the blasphemy. What do
you think?”
They all condemned him as wort hy of
death. 65 Then some began to spit at him; they
blindfolded him, struck him with t heir f ists,
and said, “Prophesy!” And the g uards took him
and beat him.
64 “You
Peter Disowns Jesus
66 While Peter was below in the courty ard,
one of the servant g irls of the high priest came
by. 67 When she saw Peter warmi ng himself,
she looked closely at him.
“You also were with that Naza rene, Jesus,”
she said.
68 But he den ied it. “I don’t know or under
stand what you’re talki ng about,” he said, and
went out into the ent ryway. a
69 When the serv ant girl saw him t here, she
said again to t hose standi ng a round, “This fel
low is one of them.” 70 Again he den ied it.
After a litt le while, t hose standi ng near said
to Peter, “Surely you are one of them, for you
are a Gali lea n.”
71 He beg an to call down curse s, and he
s wore to them, “I don’t know this man you’re
talki ng about.”
72 Immed iatel y the rooster c rowed the sec
ond time. b Then Peter remembered the word
Jesus had spoken to him: “Before the rooster
crows t wice c you will disown me t hree t imes.”
And he broke down and wept.
Jesus Before Pilate
Very earl y in the morni ng, the c hief
priests, with the elders, the teachers of
the law and the whole Sanhed rin, made their
plans. So they bound Jesus, led him away and
handed him over to Pilate.
2 “Are you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate.
“You have said so,” Jesus replied.
3 The c hief priests acc used him of many
t hings. 4 So again Pilate asked him, “Aren’t you
goi ng to ans wer? See how many t hings they
are accusi ng you of.”
5 But Jesus s till made no reply, and Pil ate
was amazed.
6 Now it was the custom at the fest iv al to re
lease a prisoner whom the people requested.
7 A man c alled Bara bb as was in prison with
the insurrect ionists who had comm itted mur
der in the upr isi ng. 8 The c rowd came up and
a sked Pilate to do for them what he usua ll y
a 68
9 “Do you want me to release to you the king
of the Jews?” asked Pilate, 10 knowi ng it was out
of self-interest that the chief priests had hand
ed Jesus over to him. 11 But the chief priests
stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Bar
abbas instead.
12 “What s hall I do, then, with the one you
call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them.
13 “Cruc if y him!” they shouted.
14 “Why? What c rime has he comm itt ed?”
asked Pilate.
But they shoute d all the louder, “Cruc if y
15 Wanti ng to sati sf y the c rowd, Pil ate re
leased Barabbas to them. He had Jesus f logged,
and handed him over to be crucif ied.
The Soldiers Mock Jesus
16 The sold iers led Jesus away into the pal
ace (that is, the Praetor iu m) and called togeth
er the whole company of sold iers. 17 They put
a purple robe on him, then twiste d togeth
er a c rown of t horns and set it on him. 18 And
they began to call out to him, “Hail, king of
the Jews!” 19 Again and again they struck him
on the head with a staff and spit on him. Fall
ing on t heir k nees, they paid homage to him.
20 And when they had mocked him, they took
off the purple robe and put his own clothes on
him. Then they led him out to crucif y him.
The Crucifixion of Jesus
21 A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the fa
ther of Alexander and Ruf us, was passing by on
his way in from the country, and they forced him
to carr y the cross. 22 They brought Jesus to the
place called Golgot ha (which means “the place
of the skull”). 23 Then they offered him wine
mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it. 24 And
they crucif ied him. Div iding up his clothes, they
cast lots to see what each would get.
25 It was nine in the morni ng when they cru
cif ied him. 26 The written not ice of the charge
against him read: the king of the jews.
27 They cruc if ied two rebels with him, one
on his r ight and one on his left. [28] d 29 Those
who passed by hurled insults at him, shaki ng
t heir heads and sayi ng, “So! You who are goi ng
to destroy the temple and build it in t hree days,
30 come down from the c ross and save your
self !” 31 In the same way the chief priests and
the teachers of the law mocked him a mong
themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but
he can’t save himself ! 32 Let this Messia h, this
king of Israel, come down now from the cross,
Some early manuscripts entryway and the rooster crowed b 72 Some early manuscripts do not have the second
time. c 72 Some early manuscripts do not have twice. d 28 Some manuscripts include here words similar to
Luke 22:37.