NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 19

Mark 16:20   |  829 that we may see and be­l ieve.” ­T hose cru­ci­f ied with him also ­heaped in­sults on him. The Death of Jesus 33  At noon, dark­ness came over the ­w hole land un­t il ­t hree in the af­ter­noon. 34  And at t hree in the af­ter­noon ­Jesus ­cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sa­bach­tha­ni? ” (which means “My God, my God, why have you for­ sak­en me?”).  a 35  When some of ­t hose stand­i ng near ­heard this, they said, “Lis­ten, he’s call­i ng Eli­jah.” 36  Some­one ran, ­f illed a ­s ponge with wine vin­egar, put it on a ­staff, and of­fered it to ­Jesus to ­d rink. “Now ­leave him ­a lone. ­L et’s see if Eli­ jah ­comes to take him down,” he said. 37  With a loud cry, ­Jesus b ­ reathed his last. 38  The cur­t ain of the tem­ple was torn in two from top to bot­tom. 39  And when the cen­t u­r i­on, who ­stood ­t here in ­f ront of ­Jesus, saw how he died,  b he said, “Sure­ly this man was the Son of God!” 40  Some wom­en were watch­i ng from a dis­ tance. ­A mong them were Mary Mag­d a­lene, Mary the moth­er of ­James the youn­ger and of Jo­seph,  c and Sa­lo­me. 41  In Gal­i ­lee ­t hese wom­ en had fol­lowed him and ­cared for his ­needs. Many oth­er wom­en who had come up with him to Je­r u­sa­lem were also there. The Burial of Jesus 42  It was Prep­a ­ra­t ion Day (that is, the day be­ fore the Sab­bath). So as eve­n ing ap­proached, 43  Jo­s eph of Ar­i ­m a­t hea, a prom­i ­nent mem­ber of the Coun­c il, who was him­self wait­i ng for the king­dom of God, went bold­ly to Pi­late and a sked for ­Jesus’ body. 44  Pi­late was sur­prised to hear that he was al­ready dead. Sum­mon­ ing the cen­t u­r i­on, he ­a sked him if ­Jesus had al­ready died. 45  When he ­learned from the cen­t u­r i­on that it was so, he gave the body to Jo­seph. 46  So Jo­seph ­bought some lin­en ­cloth, took down the body, ­w rapped it in the lin­en, and ­placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then he rolled a ­stone ­against the en­t rance of the tomb. 47  Mary Mag­da­lene and Mary the moth­er of Jo­ seph saw ­where he was laid. Jesus Has Risen 16 When the Sab­bath was over, Mary Mag­ da­lene, Mary the moth­er of ­James, and Sa­lo­me ­bought spic­es so that they ­m ight go to ­a noint ­Jesus’ body. 2  Very ear­ly on the ­f irst day of the week, just af­ter sun­r ise, they were on ­t heir way to the tomb 3  and they ­asked each oth­er, “Who will roll the ­stone away from the en­t rance of the tomb?” 4  But when they ­looked up, they saw that the stone, ­w hich was very ­large, had been ­rolled away. 5  As they en­tered the tomb, they saw a young man ­d ressed in a ­white robe sit­t ing on the r ­ ight side, and they were alarmed. 6  “Don’t be ­a larmed,” he said. “You are look­ ing for ­Jesus the Naz­a ­rene, who was cru­ci­f ied. He has ris­en! He is not here. See the ­place w here they laid him. 7  But go, tell his dis­c i­ ples and Pe­ter, ‘He is go­i ng ­a head of you into Gal­i ­lee. ­T here you will see him, just as he told you.’ ” 8  Trem­b ling and be­w il­d ered, the wom­e n went out and fled from the tomb. They said noth­i ng to any­one, be­cause they were afraid.  d [The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9–20.] 9  When ­Jesus rose ear­l y on the ­f irst day of the week, he ap­peared ­f irst to Mary Mag­d a­lene, out of whom he had driv­en sev­en de­mons. 10  She went and told ­those who had been with him and who were mourn­ing and weep­ing. 11  When they ­heard that ­Jesus was ­alive and that she had seen him, they did not be­lieve it. 12  Af­ter­ward ­Jesus ap­peared in a dif­fer­ent form to two of them ­while they were walk­ing in the coun­ try. 13  ­These re­t urned and re­port­ed it to the rest; but they did not be­lieve them ei­ther. 14  Lat­e r ­Jesus ap­p eared to the Elev­e n as they were eat­ing; he re­buked them for ­their lack of ­faith and ­their stub­born re­f us­al to be­lieve ­those who had seen him af­ter he had ris­en. 15  He said to them, “Go into all the ­world and preach the gos­pel to all cre­a­t ion. 16  Who­ev­er be­ lieves and is bap­t ized will be ­saved, but who­ev­er does not be­lieve will be con­demned. 17  And ­these signs will ac­c om­pa­ny ­those who be­lieve: In my name they will ­drive out de­mons; they will ­speak in new ­tongues; 18  they will pick up ­snakes with ­their hands; and when they ­drink dead­ly poi­son, it will not hurt them at all; they will ­place ­their ­hands on sick peo­ple, and they will get well.” 19  Af­t er the Lord ­Jesus had spo­k en to them, he was tak­en up into heav­en and he sat at the ­r ight hand of God. 20  Then the dis­ci­ples went out and preached ev­ery­where, and the Lord ­worked with them and con­f irmed his word by the ­signs that ac­ com­pa­nied it. a  34  Psalm 22:1    b  39  Some manuscripts saw that he died with such a cry    c  40  Greek Joses, a variant of Joseph; also in verse 47    d  8  Some manuscripts have the following ending between verses 8 and 9, and one manuscript has it after verse 8 (omitting verses 9-20): Then they quickly reported all these instructions to those around Peter. After this, Jesus himself also sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Amen.