NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 13

Mark 11:30  |  823 Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight 46  Then they came to Jer­i­cho. As ­Jesus and his dis­c i­ples, to­geth­er with a ­l arge ­c rowd, were leav­i ng the city, a ­blind man, Bar­t i­mae­us (which ­means “son of Ti­mae­us”), was sit­t ing by the road­side beg­g ing. 47  When he ­heard that it was ­Jesus of Naz­a ­reth, he be­gan to ­shout, “Jesus, Son of Da­v id, have mer­c y on me!” 48  Many re­buked him and told him to be qui­ et, but he shout­ed all the more, “Son of Da­v id, have mer­c y on me!” 49  Jesus ­stopped and said, “Call him.” So they ­called to the ­blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s call­i ng you.” 50  Throw­i ng his cloak ­aside, he ­jumped to his feet and came to Jesus. 51  “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus ­asked him. The ­blind man said, “Rab­bi, I want to see.” 52  “Go,” said ­Jesus, “your ­f aith has ­healed you.” Im­me­d i­ate­l y he re­ceived his ­sight and fol­lowed ­Jesus ­a long the road. thing, but ­since it was al­ready late, he went out to Beth­a ­ny with the Twelve. Jesus Curses a Fig Tree and Clears the Temple Courts 12  The As they ap­proached Je­r u­s a­lem and came to Beth­pha­ge and Beth­a ­ny at the Mount of Ol­ives, ­Jesus sent two of his dis­c i­ ples, 2  say­i ng to them, “Go to the vil­lage ­a head of you, and just as you en­ter it, you will find a colt tied ­t here, ­which no one has ever rid­den. Un­t ie it and ­bring it here. 3  If any­one asks you, ‘Why are you do­i ng this?’ say, ‘The Lord ­needs it and will send it back here short­ly.’ ” 4  They went and ­found a colt out­side in the street, tied at a door­w ay. As they un­t ied it, 5  some peo­ple stand­i ng ­t here ­a sked, “What are you do­i ng, un­t y­i ng that colt?” 6  They an­swered as ­Jesus had told them to, and the peo­ple let them go. 7  When they ­brought the colt to ­Jesus and ­t hrew ­t heir ­c loaks over it, he sat on it. 8  Many peo­ple ­spread ­t heir ­cloaks on the road, while oth­ers ­spread branch­es they had cut in the ­f ields. 9  Those who went ­a head and ­t hose who fol­lowed shout­ed, next day as they were leav­i ng Beth­a­ ny, ­Jesus was hun­g ry. 13  See­i ng in the dis­tance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any ­f ruit. When he ­reached it, he ­found noth­ ing but ­leaves, be­c ause it was not the sea­son for figs. 14  Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat ­f ruit from you ­again.” And his dis­c i­ ples ­heard him say it. 15  On reach­i ng Je­r u­sa­lem, ­Jesus en­tered the tem­ple ­c ourts and be­g an driv­i ng out ­t hose who were buy­i ng and sell­i ng ­t here. He over­ turned the ta­bles of the mon­e y chang­ers and the bench­e s of ­t hose sell­i ng ­doves, 16  and would not al­low any­one to car­r y mer­chan­d ise t hrough the tem­ple ­courts. 17  And as he ­taught them, he said, “Is it not writ­ten: ‘My ­house will be ­c alled a ­house of ­prayer for all na­t ions’  c  ? But you have made it ‘a den of rob­bers.’  d  ” 18  The ­c hief ­priests and the teach­ers of the law ­heard this and be­gan look­i ng for a way to kill him, for they ­feared him, be­c ause the whole ­crowd was ­a mazed at his teach­i ng. 19  When eve­n ing came, ­Jesus and his dis­c i­ ples  e went out of the city. 20  In the morn­i ng, as they went ­a long, they saw the fig tree with­ered from the ­roots. 21  Pe­ ter re­mem­b ered and said to ­Jesus, “Rab­bi, look! The fig tree you c ­ ursed has with­ered!” 22  “Have ­f aith in God,” ­Jesus an­s wered. 23  “Tru­ly  f I tell you, if any­one says to this moun­ tain, ‘Go, ­t hrow your­self into the sea,’ and does not ­doubt in their ­heart but be­l ieves that what they say will hap­pen, it will be done for them. 24  There­fore I tell you, what­e v­er you ask for in prayer, be­l ieve that you have re­ceived it, and it will be ­yours. 25  And when you ­stand pray­i ng, if you hold any­t hing ­against any­one, for­g ive them, so that your Fa­t her in heav­en may for­ give you your sins.” [26] g “Hosanna!  a  ” The Authority of Jesus Questioned Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King 11 “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”  b 10 “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” 11  Jesus en­t ered Je­r u­s a­lem and went into the tem­ple ­courts. He ­looked ­a round at ev­ery­ a  9  27  They ar­r ived ­a gain in Je­r u­s a­l em, and ­ hile ­Jesus was walk­i ng in the tem­ple ­courts, w the ­chief ­priests, the teach­ers of the law and the el­ders came to him. 28  “By what au­t hor­i­t y are you do­i ng ­t hese ­t hings?” they ­asked. “And who gave you au­t hor­i­t y to do this?” 29  Jesus re­plied, “I will ask you one ques­ tion. An­s wer me, and I will tell you by what au­t hor­i­t y I am do­i ng ­t hese ­t hings. 30  John’s A Hebrew expression meaning “Save!” which became an exclamation of praise; also in verse 10    b  9  Psalm 118:25,26    Isaiah 56:7    d  17  Jer. 7:11    e  19  Some early manuscripts came, Jesus    f  22,23  Some early manuscripts “If you have faith in God,” Jesus answered, 23 “truly    g  26  Some manuscripts include here words similar to Matt. 6:15.    c  17