NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 12

822  |  Mark 10:11  dis­c i­ples ­a sked ­Jesus ­about this. 11  He an­ swered, “Any­one who di­vorc­es his wife and mar­r ies an­oth­er wom­a n com­m its adul­tery against her. 12  And if she di­vorc­es her hus­band and mar­r ies an­oth­er man, she com­m its adul­ tery.” The Little Children and Jesus 13  Peo­ple were bring­i ng lit­t le chil­d ren to J ­ esus for him to ­place his ­hands on them, but the dis­ci­ples re­buked them. 14  When ­Jesus saw this, he was in­d ig­nant. He said to them, “Let the lit­t le chil­d ren come to me, and do not hin­ der them, for the king­dom of God be­longs to such as ­t hese. 15  Tru­ly I tell you, any­one who will not re­ceive the king­dom of God like a lit­ tle ­child will nev­er en­ter it.” 16  And he took the chil­d ren in his arms, ­placed his ­hands on them and ­blessed them. The Rich and the Kingdom of God 17  As ­Jesus start­ed on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his ­k nees be­fore him. “Good teach­er,” he ­asked, “what must I do to in­her­it eter­nal life?” 18  “Why do you call me good?” ­Jesus an­ swered. “No one is good — ​ex­cept God ­a lone. 19  You know the com­m and­ments: ‘You ­s hall not mur­der, you ­s hall not com­m it adul­tery, you ­shall not ­steal, you ­shall not give ­false tes­ ti­mo­ny, you ­shall not de­f raud, hon­or your fa­ ther and moth­er.’  a  ” 20  “Teach­er,” he de­c lared, “all ­t hese I have kept s ­ ince I was a boy.” 21  Jesus ­looked at him and ­loved him. “One t hing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell ev­ery­t hing you have and give to the poor, and you will have trea­s ure in heav­en. Then come, fol­ low me.” 22  At this the ­m an’s face fell. He went away sad, be­cause he had ­g reat wealth. 23  Jesus ­looked ­a round and said to his dis­ ci­ples, “How hard it is for the rich to en­ter the king­dom of God!” 24  The dis­c i­ples were ­a mazed at his ­w ords. But ­Jesus said ­again, “Chil­d ren, how hard it is  b to en­ter the king­dom of God! 25  It is eas­i­er for a cam­el to go ­t hrough the eye of a nee­d le than for some­one who is rich to en­ter the king­dom of God.” 26  The dis­c i­ples were even more ­a mazed, and said to each oth­er, “Who then can be saved?” 27  Jesus ­looked at them and said, “With man this is im­pos­si­ble, but not with God; all ­t hings are pos­si­ble with God.” a  19  28  Then Pe­ter ­spoke up, “We have left ev­ery­ thing to fol­low you!” 29  “Tru­l y I tell you,” ­Jesus re­plied, “no one who has left home or broth­ers or sis­ters or moth­er or fa­t her or chil­d ren or ­f ields for me and the gos­pel 30  will fail to re­ceive a hun­d red t imes as much in this pres­ent age: ­homes, broth­e rs, sis­t ers, moth­e rs, chil­d ren and f ields — ​­a long with per­se­c u­t ions — ​a nd in the age to come eter­nal life. 31  But many who are f irst will be last, and the last first.” Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time 32  They were on ­t heir way up to Je­r u­s a­lem, with ­Jesus lead­i ng the way, and the dis­c i­ples were as­ton­i shed, ­w hile ­t hose who fol­lowed were ­a fraid. ­A gain he took the ­Twelve ­a side and told them what was go­i ng to hap­pen to him. 33  “We are go­i ng up to Je­r u­sa­lem,” he said, “and the Son of Man will be de­l iv­ered over to the ­chief ­priests and the teach­ers of the law. They will con­demn him to ­death and will hand him over to the Gen­t iles, 34  who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. ­T hree days lat­er he will rise.” The Request of James and John 35  Then James and John, the sons of Zeb­ e­dee, came to him. “Teach­er,” they said, “we want you to do for us what­ev­er we ask.” 36  “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. 37  They re­plied, “Let one of us sit at your r ight and the oth­er at your left in your glo­r y.” 38  “You ­don’t know what you are ask­i ng,” Jesus said. “Can you ­d rink the cup I ­d rink or be bap­t ized with the bap­t ism I am bap­t ized with?” 39  “We can,” they an­s wered. Jesus said to them, “You will ­d rink the cup I ­d rink and be bap­t ized with the bap­t ism I am bap­t ized with, 40  but to sit at my ­r ight or left is not for me to ­g rant. ­T hese plac­es be­long to t hose for whom they have been pre­pared.” 41  When the ten ­heard ­about this, they be­ came in­d ig­nant with ­James and John. 42  Jesus called them to­geth­er and said, “You know that t hose who are re­gard­ed as rul­ers of the Gen­ tiles lord it over them, and ­t heir high of­f i­cials ex­er­c ise au­t hor­i­t y over them. 43  Not so with you. In­stead, who­ev­er ­wants to be­come ­g reat a mong you must be your ser­vant, 44  and who­ ev­er ­wants to be ­f irst must be ­slave of all. 45  For even the Son of Man did not come to be ­served, but to ­serve, and to give his life as a ran­som for many.” Exodus 20:12-16; Deut. 5:16-20    b  24  Some manuscripts is for those who trust in riches