NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 11

Mark 10:10   |  821 21  Jesus a sked the ­boy’s fa­t her, “How long has he been like this?” “From child­hood,” he an­s wered. 22  “It has of­ten ­t hrown him into fire or wa­ter to kill him. But if you can do any­t hing, take pity on us and help us.” 23  “ ‘If you can’?” said ­Jesus. “Ev­ery­t hing is pos­si­ble for one who be­l ieves.” 24  Im­me­d i­ate­l y the ­boy’s fa­t her ex­c laimed, “I do be­l ieve; help me over­come my un­be­l ief !” 25  When ­Jesus saw that a ­c rowd was run­n ing to the ­s cene, he re­buked the im­pure spir­it. “You deaf and mute spir­it,” he said, “I com­ mand you, come out of him and nev­er en­ter him again.” 26  The spir­it ­s hrieked, con­v ulsed him vi­o ­ lent­ly and came out. The boy ­looked so much like a ­corpse that many said, “He’s dead.” 27  But Jesus took him by the hand and lift­ed him to his feet, and he ­stood up. 28  Af­ter ­Jesus had gone in­doors, his dis­c i­ples asked him pri­vate­ly, “Why ­couldn’t we ­d rive it out?” 29  He re­plied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.  a  ” Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time 30  They left that ­place and ­passed ­t hrough Gal­i ­lee. ­Jesus did not want any­one to know w here they were, 31  be­c ause he was teach­i ng his dis­c i­ples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is go­i ng to be de­l iv­ered in­to the ­hands of men. They will kill him, and af­ter ­t hree days he will rise.” 32  But they did not un­der­stand what he ­meant and were ­a fraid to ask him about it. 33  They came to Ca­per­n a­u m. When he was in the ­house, he ­asked them, “What were you ar­g u­i ng ­about on the road?” 34  But they kept qui­et be­c ause on the way they had ar­g ued about who was the great­est. 35  Sit­t ing down, ­Jesus ­c alled the ­Twelve and said, “Any­one who ­wants to be ­f irst must be the very last, and the ser­vant of all.” 36  He took a lit­t le ­c hild whom he ­p laced a mong them. Tak­i ng the ­c hild in his arms, he said to them, 37  “Who­ev­er wel­comes one of t hese lit­t le chil­d ren in my name wel­comes me; and who­ev­er wel­comes me does not wel­come me but the one who sent me.” Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us 38  “Teach­er,” said John, “we saw some­one driv­i ng out de­mons in your name and we told him to stop, be­cause he was not one of us.” 39  “Do not stop him,” ­Jesus said. “For no one who does a mir­a­c le in my name can in the next mo­ment say any­t hing bad ­about me, 40  for who­ev­er is not ­against us is for us. 41  Tru­ly I tell you, any­one who ­g ives you a cup of wa­ter in my name be­cause you be­long to the Mes­si­a h will cer­tain­ly not lose their re­ward. Causing to Stumble 42  “If any­o ne caus­e s one of ­t hese lit­t le ones — ​­t hose who be­l ieve in me — ​to stum­ble, it ­would be bet­ter for them if a ­large mill­stone were hung ­a round ­t heir neck and they were t hrown into the sea. 43  If your hand caus­es you to stum­ble, cut it off. It is bet­ter for you to en­ ter life ­maimed than with two ­hands to go into hell, ­where the fire nev­er goes out. [44] b 45  And if your foot caus­es you to stum­ble, cut it off. It is bet­ter for you to en­ter life crip­pled than to have two feet and be ­t hrown into hell. [46] b 47  And if your eye caus­es you to stum­ble, ­pluck it out. It is bet­ter for you to en­ter the king­dom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be t ­ hrown into hell, 48  where “ ‘the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.’  c 49  Ev­ery­one will be salt­ed with fire. 50  “Salt is good, but if it los­e s its salt­i ­ness, how can you make it ­s alty ­again? Have salt a mong your­selves, and be at ­peace with each oth­er.” Divorce 10 Jesus then left that ­place and went into the re­g ion of Ju­dea and ­across the Jor­ dan. ­Again ­crowds of peo­ple came to him, and as was his cus­tom, he ­taught them. 2  Some Phar­i ­s ees came and test­e d him by ask­i ng, “Is it law­f ul for a man to di­vorce his wife?” 3  “What did Mo­s es com­m and you?” he re­ plied. 4  They said, “Mo­ses per­m it­ted a man to ­w rite a cer­t if­i­cate of di­vorce and send her away.” 5  “It was be­c ause your ­hearts were hard that Mo­ses ­w rote you this law,” ­Jesus re­plied. 6  “But at the be­g in­n ing of cre­a­t ion God ‘made them male and fe­m ale.’  d 7  ‘For this rea­son a man will ­leave his fa­t her and moth­er and be unit­ ed to his wife,  e 8  and the two will be­come one f lesh.’  f So they are no lon­ger two, but one ­f lesh. 9  There­fore what God has ­joined to­geth­er, let no one sep­a ­rate.” 10  When they were in the ­house ­again, the a  29  Some manuscripts prayer and fasting    b  44,46  Some manuscripts include here the words of verse 48.    c  48  Isaiah 66:24    d  6  Gen. 1:27    e  7  Some early manuscripts do not have and be united to his wife.    f  8  Gen. 2:24