NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids NIV, Outreach Bible for Kids Sampler | Page 14

824  |  Mark 11:31  bap­t ism — ​w as it from heav­en, or of hu­man or­i­g in? Tell me!” 31  They dis­c ussed it ­a mong them­selves and said, “If we say, ‘From heav­en,’ he will ask, ‘Then why ­d idn’t you be­l ieve him?’ 32  But if we say, ‘Of hu­man or­i­g in’  .  .  .” (They ­feared the peo­ple, for ev­ery­one held that John real­ly was a proph­et.) 33  So they an­s wered ­Jesus, “We d ­ on’t know.” Jesus said, “Nei­t her will I tell you by what au­t hor­i­t y I am do­i ng ­t hese things.” The Parable of the Tenants 12 Jesus then be­gan to ­speak to them in par­a­bles: “A man plant­ed a vine­y ard. He put a wall ­a round it, dug a pit for the wine­ press and ­built a watch­tow­er. Then he rent­ ed the vine­yard to some farm­ers and ­moved to an­oth­er ­place. 2  At har­vest time he sent a ser­v ant to the ten­a nts to col­lect from them some of the ­f ruit of the vine­y ard. 3  But they seized him, beat him and sent him away emp­ ty-hand­ed. 4  Then he sent an­oth­er ser­v ant to them; they ­struck this man on the head and treat­ed him shame­f ul­ly. 5  He sent ­still an­oth­er, and that one they ­k illed. He sent many oth­ers; some of them they beat, oth­ers they killed. 6  “He had one left to send, a son, whom he loved. He sent him last of all, say­i ng, ‘They will re­spect my son.’ 7  “But the ten­a nts said to one an­oth­er, ‘This is the heir. Come, ­let’s kill him, and the in­her­ i­t ance will be ours.’ 8  So they took him and k illed him, and ­t hrew him out of the vine­yard. 9  “What then will the own­er of the vine­y ard do? He will come and kill ­t hose ten­a nts and give the vine­yard to oth­ers. 10  Haven’t you read this pas­sage of Scrip­t ure: “ ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; 11 the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’  a  ?” 12  Then the ­chief ­priests, the teach­ers of the law and the el­ders ­looked for a way to ar­rest him be­cause they knew he had spo­ken the par­ a­ble ­against them. But they were ­a fraid of the crowd; so they left him and went away. Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar 13  Lat­e r they sent some of the Phar­i ­s ees and He­ro­d i­a ns to ­Jesus to ­c atch him in his words. 14  They came to him and said, “Teach­ er, we know that you are a man of in­teg­r i­t y. You a ren’t ­s wayed by oth­ers, be­c ause you pay no at­ten­t ion to who they are; but you ­teach the way of God in ac­cor­dance with the ­t ruth. Is it r ight to pay the im­pe­r i­a l tax  b to Cae­sar or not? 15  Should we pay or ­shouldn’t we?” But ­Jesus knew ­t heir hy­poc­r i­s y. “Why are you try­i ng to trap me?” he ­asked. “Bring me a de­nar­i­us and let me look at it.” 16  They ­brought the coin, and he ­asked them, “Whose im­age is this? And w ­ hose in­scrip­t ion?” “Cae­sar’s,” they re­plied. 17  Then ­Jesus said to them, “Give back to Cae­s ar what is Cae­s ar’s and to God what is God’s.” And they were a ­ mazed at him. Marriage at the Resurrection 18  Then the Sad­du­c ees, who say ­t here is no res­u r­rec­t ion, came to him with a ques­t ion. 19  “Teach­er,” they said, “Mo­ses ­w rote for us that if a ­man’s broth­er dies and ­leaves a wife but no chil­d ren, the man must mar­r y the wid­ow and raise up off­spring for his broth­er. 20  Now ­t here were sev­en broth­ers. The ­f irst one mar­r ied and died with­out leav­i ng any chil­d ren. 21  The sec­ ond one mar­r ied the wid­ow, but he also died, leav­i ng no ­c hild. It was the same with the t hird. 22  In fact, none of the sev­en left any chil­ dren. Last of all, the wom­a n died too. 23  At the res­u r­rec­t ion  c ­whose wife will she be, ­since the sev­en were mar­r ied to her?” 24  Jesus re­plied, “Are you not in er­r or be­ cause you do not know the Scrip­t ures or the pow­er of God? 25  When the dead rise, they will nei­t her mar­r y nor be giv­en in mar­r iage; they will be like the an­gels in heav­en. 26  Now about the dead ris­i ng — ​have you not read in the Book of Mo­ses, in the ac­count of the burn­ ing bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abra­ham, the God of ­Isaac, and the God of Ja­cob’  d  ? 27  He is not the God of the dead, but of the liv­i ng. You are bad­ly mis­tak­en!” The Greatest Commandment 28  One of the teach­ers of the law came and ­ eard them de­bat­i ng. No­t ic­i ng that ­Jesus had h giv­en them a good an­s wer, he ­asked him, “Of all the com­mand­ments, ­which is the most im­ por­tant?” 29  “The most im­p or­t ant one,” an­s wered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O  Is­ra­el: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  e 30  Love the Lord your God with all your ­heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your ­strength.’  f 31  The sec­ond is this: ‘Love your neigh­b or as your­self.’  g ­T here is no com­mand­ment great­er than these.” a  11  Psalm 118:22,23    b  14  A special tax levied on subject peoples, not on Roman citizens    c  23  Some manuscripts resurrection, when people rise from the dead,    d  26  Exodus 3:6    e  29  Or The Lord our God is one Lord    f  30  Deut. 6:4,5    g  31  Lev. 19:18