NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 9

8 4:15 The mark on Cain The Bible doesn’t say what kind of mark God placed on Cain, but it was a warning sign to protect him from anyone wanting to kill him. 4:19 Marrying more than one woman Having more than one wife was common in ancient times, but God created marriage to be between one man and one woman, like Adam and Eve. Having more than one wife sometimes caused problems for husbands in Old Testament times. genesis 4:15 I will be hid­den from your pres­ence; I will be a rest­less wan­der­er on the e ­ arth, and who­ev­er f ­ inds me will kill me.” 15  But the Lord said to him, “Not so  a ; any­one who k ­ ills Cain will suf­fer ven­geance sev­en ­times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who f ­ ound him would kill him. 16  So Cain went out from the Lord’s pres­ ence and l ­ ived in the land of Nod,  b east of Eden. 17  Cain made love to his wife, and she be­came preg­nant and gave b ­ irth to E ­ noch. Cain was then build­ing a city, and he ­named it af­ter his son ­Enoch. 18  To ­Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the fa­t her of Me­hu­ja­el, and Me­hu­ja­el was the fa­ther of Me­thu­sha­el, and Me­thu­sha­el was the fa­ ther of La­mech. 19  L a­mech mar­r ied two wom­en, one ­n amed Adah and the oth­er Zil ­lah. 20  Adah gave ­birth to Ja­bal; he was the fa­ther of t ­ hose who live in t ­ ents and r ­ aise live­stock. 21  His broth­er’s name was Ju­bal; he was the fa­ther of all who play ­stringed in­stru­ments and ­pipes. 22  Zil­lah also had a son, Tu­bal-Cain, who ­forged all ­k inds of ­tools out of  c ­bronze and iron. Tu­bal-­Cain’s sis­ter was Na­a­mah. 23  L a­mech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. 24 If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times.” 25  Adam made love to his wife a ­ gain, and she gave ­birth to a son and n ­ amed him Seth,  d say­ing, “God has grant­ed me an­oth­er ­child in ­place of Abel, ­since Cain ­k illed him.” 26  S eth also had a son, and he ­named him Enosh. At that time peo­ple be­gan to call on  e the name of the Lord. FROM ADA M TO NOAH 5:5 – 32 People lived a long time. God’s original plan was that people would live forever. When Adam and Eve sinned, death was a result, and the length of human life gradually shortened. 5:24 Enoch did not die. Enoch had a very close relationship with God. The Bible tells us that Enoch’s life on earth ended in a very unusual way: God took him away without Enoch experiencing death. 5 This is the writ­ten ac­count of ­Adam’s fam­i ­ly line. When God cre­at­ed man­k ind, he made them in the like­ ­ lessed ness of God. 2  He cre­at­ed them male and fe­male and b them. And he named them “Man­k ind”  f when they were created. 3  W hen Adam had l ­ ived 130 ­years, he had a son in his own like­ness, in his own im­age; and he ­named him Seth. 4  A f­ter Seth was born, Adam ­l ived 800 ­years and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 5  A l­to­geth­er, Adam l ­ ived a to­tal of 930 years, and then he died. 6  W hen Seth had ­lived 105 ­years, he be­came the fa­t her  g of ­Enosh. 7  A f­ter he be­came the fa­ther of ­Enosh, Seth l ­ ived 807 ­years and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 8  A l­to­geth­er, Seth ­l ived a to­tal of 912 ­years, and then he died. a  15  Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Hebrew Very well    b  16  Nod means wandering (see verses 12 and 14).    c  22 Or who instructed all who work in    d  25  Seth probably means granted.    e  26 Or to proclaim    f  2 Hebrew adam    g  6  Father may mean ancestor; also in verses 7-26.