NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 8

genesis 4:14 7 Why is your face down­cast? 7  If you do what is ­r ight, will you not be ac­cept­ed? But if you do not do what is r ­ ight, sin is crouch­ing at your door; it de­sires to have you, but you must rule over it.” 8  Now Cain said to his broth­ er Abel, “Let’s go out to the ­f ield.”  a ­W hile they were in the ­f ield, Cain at­tacked his broth­er Abel and k ­ illed him. 9  T hen the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your broth­er Abel?” “I d ­ on’t know,” he re­plied. “Am I my broth­er’s keep­er?” 10  T he Lord said, “What have you done? Lis­ten! Your broth­er’s b ­ lood c ­ ries out to me from the g ­ round. 11  Now you are un­der a ­curse and driv­en from the ­g round, ­which opened its ­mouth to re­ceive your broth­er’s ­blood from your hand. 12  W hen you work the ­g round, it will no lon­ger ­y ield its c ­ rops for you. You will be a rest­less wan­der­er on the earth.” 13  Cain said to the Lord, “My pun­ish­ment is more than I can bear. 14  To­day you are driv­ing me from the land, and 4:11 – 12 God’s curse on Cain Cain had made his living as a farmer, growing food from the ground. But now the ground was soaked with his brother’s blood, so God said the ground would no longer produce any crops for Cain. Instead of staying with his family, Cain was forced to wander the earth. a  8  Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Masoretic Text does not have “Let’s go out to the field.”    SE T T I N G O F G ENES I S Bl a ck Se a Ed en ? Ar a r a t M t. Caspian Sea T U R K E Y Harran I R A N tes R os I R A Q Ur of the Chaldeans Ed e n? JORDAN M ts . Babel S A U D I A R A B I A 0 Re d Sea gr Si na i Za Beersheba hra LEBANON Mediterranean Sea ISRAEL Shechem Bethel Jerusalem Hebron Eu p SYRIA 0 200 km. 200 miles P G ers ul ia f n