NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 10

genesis 6:3 9  W hen ­Enosh had l ­ ived 90 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Ke­nan. 10  A f­ter he be­came the fa­ther of Ke­nan, ­Enosh ­lived 815 y ­ ears and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 11   A l­to­geth­er, ­Enosh ­l ived a to­tal of 905 ­years, and then he died. 12  W hen Ke­nan had l ­ ived 70 ­years, he be­came the fa­t her of Ma ­ha ­la ­lel. 13  A f­ter he be­came the fa­t her of Ma ­ha ­la ­lel, Ke­nan ­l ived 840 ­years and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 14   A l­to­geth­er, Ke­ nan ­l ived a to­tal of 910 ­years, and then he died. 15   W hen Ma­h a­la­lel had ­lived 65 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Ja­red. 16   A f ­ter he be­came the fa­t her of Ja ­red, Ma ­ha ­l a ­lel ­l ived 830 ­years and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 17   A l­to­geth­ er, Ma­ha­la­lel l ­ ived a to­tal of 895 ­years, and then he died. 18  W hen Ja­red had l ­ ived 162 y ­ ears, he be­came the fa­ther of E ­ noch. 19  A f­ter he be­came the fa­ther of E ­ noch, Ja­red l ­ ived 800 y ­ ears and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 20   A l­to­geth­er, Ja ­red ­l ived a to­tal of 962 y ­ ears, and then he died. 21  W hen E ­ noch had ­lived 65 ­years, he be­came the fa­ther of Me­thu­se­lah. 22  A f­ter he be­came the fa­t her of Me­t hu­se­lah, ­Enoch ­walked faith­f ul­ ly with God 300 ­years and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 23   A l­to­geth­er, ­Enoch ­l ived a to­tal of 365 ­years. 24  Enoch ­walked faith­f ul­ly with God; then he was no more, be­cause God took him away. 25  W hen Me­t hu­s e­lah had l ­ ived 187 y ­ ears, he be­came the fa­ther of La­mech. 26   A f­ter he be­came the fa­t her of La­mech, Me­t hu­s e­l ah ­l ived 782 years and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 27  A l­ to­geth­er, Me­t hu­se­lah ­l ived a to­tal of 969 ­years, and then he died. 28  W hen La­mech had ­lived 182 y ­ ears, he had a son. 29  He ­named him Noah  a and said, “He will com­fort us in the la­bor and pain­f ul toil of our h ­ ands c ­ aused by the g ­ round the Lord has c ursed.” 30  A f­ter Noah was born, La­mech ­lived 595 ­y ears and had oth­er sons and daugh­ters. 31   A l­to­geth­er, La­mech ­l ived a to­tal of 777 ­years, and then he died. 32  A f­ ter Noah was 500 y ­ ears old, he be­came the fa­ther of Shem, Ham and Ja­pheth. 9 Over a Year on the Ark Genesis 6–8 Noah spends 375 days on the ark; here’s how those days break down: W I C K E D NESS I N T H E   W O R L D 6 When hu­man be­ings be­g an to in­c rease in num­b er on the e ­ arth and daugh­ters were born to them, 2  the sons of God saw that the daugh­ters of hu­mans were beau­ti­f ul, and they mar­ried any of them they ­chose. 3  T hen the Lord said, “My Spir­it will not con­tend with  b hu­mans f ­ or­e v­er, for they are mor­tal  c ; their days will be a hun­d red and twen­t y years.” a  29  Noah sounds like the Hebrew for comfort.    b  3 Or My spirit will not remain in    c  3 Or corrupt    7 days Noah enters the ark one week before the flood 40 days Springs surge and rains fall for 40 days and 40 nights 150 days The water recedes; the ark rests on Mount Ararat 178 days The water continues to recede; Noah releases birds from the ark; when the birds do not return, Noah leaves the ark