NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 11

10 genesis 6:4 6:4 4  T he Neph­i­lim were on the e ­ arth in t ­ hose days — ​a nd also af­ter­ward — ​when the sons of God went to the daugh­ ters of hu­mans and had chil­d ren by them. They were the he­roes of old, men of re­nown. 5  T he Lord saw how g ­ reat the wick­ed­ness of the hu­man race had be­come on the ­earth, and that ev­ery in­cli­na­tion of the t ­ houghts of the hu­man h ­ eart was only evil all the time. 6  T he Lord re­g ret­ted that he had made hu­man be­ings on the ­earth, and his h ­ eart was deep­ly trou­bled. 7  So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the ­earth the hu­man race I have cre­at­ed — ​and with them the an­i­mals, the b ­ irds and the crea­t ures that move ­a long the ­ground — ​for I re­gret that I have made them.” 8  But Noah f ­ ound fa­vor in the eyes of the Lord. Nephilim Nephilim were people who were very tall, strong and powerful. They were known as heroes because of their power as rulers. 6:7 God destroyed other creatures beside humans with the flood. Human sin contaminated everything God had made. So the animal world also shared in God’s judgment. 6:14 The ark This ark is the ship God told Noah to build. It was about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. N OAH AN D TH E FLO O D 9  T his is the ac­count of Noah and his fam­i ­ly. Noah was a righ­teous man, blame­less ­among the peo­ple of his time, and he ­walked faith­f ul­ly with God. 10  Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Ja­pheth. 11  Now the e ­ arth was cor­r upt in G ­ od’s ­sight and was full of vi­o­lence. 12  God saw how cor­r upt the e ­ arth had be­come, for all the peo­ple on ­earth had cor­r upt­ed t ­ heir ways. 13  So God said to Noah, “I am go­ing to put an end to all peo­ ple, for the e ­ arth is ­f illed with vi­o­lence be­cause of them. I am sure­ly go­ing to de­stroy both them and the e ­ arth. 14  So make your­self an ark of cy­press  a wood; make r ­ ooms in it and coat it with ­pitch in­side and out. 15  T his is how you are to b ­ uild it: The ark is to be ­three hun­d red cu­bits long, fif­t y cu­bits wide and thir­t y cu­bits high.  b 16  Make a roof for it, leav­ing be­low the roof an open­ing one cu­bit  c high all a ­ round.  d Put a door in the side of the ark and make low­er, mid­d le and ­ ring up­p er ­decks. 17  I am go­ing to b flood­wa­ters on the ­earth to de­stroy all life un­der the heav­ens, ev­ery crea­t ure that has the b ­ reath of life in it. Ev­ery­ thing on ­earth will per­ish. 18  But I will es­tab­lish my cov­enant with you, and you will en­ter the ark — ​you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ ­w ives with you. 19  You are to ­bring into the ark two of all liv­ing crea­t ures, male and fe­male, to keep them a ­ live with you. 20  Two of ev­ery kind of bird, of ev­ery kind of an­i­mal and of ev­ery kind of crea­ture that moves ­a long the ­g round will come to you to be kept ­a live. 21  You are to take ev­ery kind of food that is to be eat­en and store it away as food for you and for them.” 22  Noah did ev­ery­t hing just as God com­mand­ed him. a  14  The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.    b  15 That is, about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high or about 135 meters long, 23 meters wide and 14 meters high    c  16  That is, about 18 inches or about 45 centimeters    d  16  The meaning of the Hebrew for this clause is uncertain.