NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 12

genesis 7:24 7 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your ­whole fam­i­ly, be­cause I have ­found you righ­teous in this gen­er­a­tion. 2  Take with you sev­en ­pairs of ev­ery kind of c ­ lean an­i­mal, a male and its mate, and one pair of ev­ ery kind of un­c lean an­i­mal, a male and its mate, 3  and also sev­en p ­ airs of ev­ery kind of bird, male and fe­male, to keep their var­i­ous ­k inds ­a live through­out the ­earth. 4   Sev­en days from now I will send rain on the ­earth for for­t y days and for­t y ­nights, and I will wipe from the face of the ­earth ev­ery liv­ing crea­t ure I have made.” 5  A nd Noah did all that the Lord com­mand­ed him. 6  Noah was six hun­d red ­years old when the flood­wa­ters came on the ­earth. 7  A nd Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ ­w ives en­tered the ark to es­cape the wa­ters of the ­f lood. 8  Pairs of c ­ lean and un­c lean an­i­mals, of b ­ irds and of all crea­t ures that move ­a long the ­g round, 9  male and fe­ male, came to Noah and en­tered the ark, as God had com­ mand­ed Noah. 10  A nd af­ter the sev­en days the flood­wa­ters came on the earth. 11  I n the six hun­d redth year of No­a h’s life, on the sev­ en­teenth day of the sec­ond ­month — ​on that day all the springs of the ­g reat deep b ­ urst ­forth, and the flood­gates of the heav­ens were o ­ pened. 12  A nd rain fell on the e ­ arth for­t y days and for­t y nights. 13  On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Ja­pheth, to­geth­er with his wife and the ­w ives of his ­three sons, en­tered the ark. 14  T hey had with them ev­ery wild an­i­mal ac­cord­ing to its kind, all live­stock ac­cord­ing to their k ­ inds, ev­ery crea­ture that m ­ oves a ­ long the g ­ round ac­cord­ing to its kind and ev­ery bird ac­cord­ing to its kind, ev­ery ­t hing with ­w ings. 15  Pairs of all crea­t ures that have the ­breath of life in them came to Noah and en­tered the ark. 16  T he an­i­mals go­ing in were male and fe­male of ev­ ery liv­ing t ­ hing, as God had com­mand­ed Noah. Then the Lord shut him in. 17  For for­t y days the ­f lood kept com­ing on the ­earth, and as the wa­ters in­creased they lift­ed the ark high a ­ bove the earth. 18  The wa­ters rose and in­creased great­ly on the ­earth, and the ark float­ed on the sur­face of the wa­ter. 19  T hey rose great­ly on the ­earth, and all the high moun­tains un­der the en­tire heav­ens were cov­ered. 20  The wa­ters rose and cov­ered the moun­tains to a d ­ epth of more than fif­teen cu­bits.  a   ,   b   21   Ev­ery liv­ing ­t hing that ­moved on land per­ished  — ​­birds, live­stock, wild an­i­mals, all the crea­t ures that ­swarm over the ­earth, and all man­k ind. 22  Ev­ery­thing on dry land that had the b ­ reath of life in its nos­trils died. 23   Ev­ery liv­ing t hing on the face of the e ­ arth was w ­ iped out; peo­ple and an­i­mals and the crea­t ures that move a ­ long the g ­ round and the ­birds were w ­ iped from the ­earth. Only Noah was left, and ­those with him in the ark. 24  T he wa­ters flood­ed the ­earth for a hun­d red and fif­t y days. a  20  That is, about 23 feet or about 6.8 meters    b  20 Or rose more than fifteen cubits, and the mountains were covered    11 7:2 Clean and unclean animals God gave his people laws about what to eat, and he said that some animals were unclean or impure. God knew which food was the best for humans to eat at that time. The laws would have made sense then. (See Leviticus 5:2 and Leviticus 11.) 7:2 – 3 Noah brought more clean animals on the ark. In addition to repopulating the earth after the flood, the clean animals were also used as food while on the ark, and afterward as sacrifices to God. 7:8 – 9 How Noah got all those animals on board the ark The Bible tells us the animals came to Noah. We don’t know for sure, but maybe God gave the animals instincts to know that a disaster was coming. 7:23 Fish and other sea animals were safe during the flood. The Bible says only animals that lived on land and birds were destroyed.