NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 4

genesis 2:3 move a ­ long the g ­ round, and the wild an­i­mals, each ac­cord­ing to its kind.” And it was so. 25  God made the wild an­i­mals ac­cord ­ing to ­t heir ­k inds, the live­stock ac­cord­ing to t ­ heir k ­ inds, and all the crea­tures that move ­a long the ­g round ac­cord­ing to ­their ­k inds. And God saw that it was good. 26  T hen God said, “Let us make man­k ind in our im­age, in our like­ness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the ­birds in the sky, over the live­ stock and all the wild an­i­mals,  a and over all the crea­ tures that move a ­ long the ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. ­ lessed them and said to them, “Be fruit­ 28  God b ful and in­crease in num­ber; fill the e ­ arth and sub­due it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the b ­ irds in the sky and over ev­ery liv­ing crea­t ure that ­moves on the ground.” 29  T hen God said, “I give you ev­ery seed-bear­ing plant on the face of the ­whole e ­ arth and ev­ery tree that has ­f ruit with seed in it. They will be ­yours for food. 30  A nd to all the ­beasts of the ­earth and all the birds in the sky and all the crea­t ures that move along the ­g round — ​ev­ery­thing that has the ­breath of life in it — ​I give ev­ery ­g reen p ­ lant for food.” And it was so. 31  God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And t ­ here was eve­n ing, and t ­ here was morn­ ing  — ​the ­sixth day. 2 Thus the heav­ens and the e ­ arth were com­plet­ed in all t ­ heir vast ar­ray. 2 By the sev­enth day God had fin­ished the work he had been do­ing; so on the sev­enth day he rest­ed from all ­ lessed the sev­enth day and his work. 3  T hen God b made it holy, be­cause on it he rest­ed from all the work of cre­at­ing that he had done. a  26  Probable reading of the original Hebrew text (see Syriac); Masoretic Text the earth    3 1:27 Humans are special. People are different from everything else God made because they are made in his image. That means we share some of God’s characteristics, such as intelligence, love and creativity. Since each person is made in God’s image, everyone is important to God. 1:28 God told humans to take care of the earth. When God told people to “fill the earth and subdue it,” he meant to care for all of creation and use its resources wisely. 2:2 – 3 God rested on the seventh day. God did not need to rest because he was tired. He rested because he was finished creating the world and everything in it. God also rested so we would know it’s important to take a break from work one day each week and worship him. Parallel Days Genesis 1 Day 1: Light Day 4: Sun and moon Day 2: Water and sky Day 5: Fish and birds Day 3: Plant life Day 6: Animals and people Beautiful! God’s power, wisdom and sense of order are revealed in the parallels between days 1–3 and 4–6.