NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 3

2 1:1 God was the only one in the beginning. Although everything else has a beginning, God has always been around. The Bible describes him as everlasting or eternal. That means he has no beginning, and he has no end. 1:3 – 31 There was an order to creation. On the first three days, God formed creation with light, water and sky, land and vegetation. On the final three days, God filled creation with light givers, fish and birds, and animals and humans. 1:5 Creation took six days. Each day could have been 24 hours, just like we understand a day to be — or the word day could have represented a very long period of time. 1:21,24 – 25 God created all kinds of animals and plants. God created plants and animals with distinct looks and patterns for each family and species. That’s why the Bible says he created them “according to their kinds.” 1:24 God created dinosaurs. Although Genesis doesn’t mention dinosaurs specifically, they were probably created on the sixth day. Several places in the Bible describe creatures that may be dinosaurs, such as a monster (Psalm 74:13), dragon (Revelation 12:3) or behemoth (Job 40:15 – 19). genesis 1:1 T H E B E G I NN I N G 1 In the be­g in­ning God cre­at­ed the heav­ens and the earth. 2  Now the e ­ arth was form­less and emp­t y, dark­ ness was over the sur­face of the deep, and the Spir­it of God was hov­er­ing over the wa­ters. 3 And God said, “Let ­there be ­l ight,” and ­there was ­l ight. 4  G od saw that the ­ l ight was good, and he sep­a ­rat­ ed the ­light from the dark­ness. 5  God ­called the ­light “day,” and the dark­ness he c ­ alled “night.” And t ­ here was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ing — ​the ­f irst day. 6 And God said, “Let t ­ here be a v ­ ault be­t ween the wa­ters to sep­a­rate wa­ter from wa­ter.” 7  So God made the ­vault and sep­a ­rat­ed the wa­ter un­der the v ­ ault from the wa­ ter ­above it. And it was so. 8  God ­called the ­vault “sky.” And ­there was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ing — ​the sec­ond day. 9 And God said, “Let the wa­ter un­der the sky be gath­ered to one ­place, and let dry ­g round ap­pear.” And it was so. 10  God c ­ alled the dry ­g round “land,” and the gath­ ered wa­ters he ­called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. 11  Then God said, “Let the land pro­duce veg­e­ta­tion: seed-bear­ing p ­ lants and t ­ rees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, ac­cord­ing to ­their var­i­ous ­k inds.” And it was so. 12   T he land pro­duced veg­e­ta­tion: ­plants bear­ing seed ac­cord­ing to ­their ­k inds and t ­ rees bear­ ing f ­ ruit with seed in it ac­cord­ing to t ­ heir k ­ inds. And God saw that it was good. 13  A nd t ­ here was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ing — ​the ­third day. 14 And God said, “Let ­there be l ­ ights in the ­vault of the sky to sep­a ­rate the day from the ­night, and let them ­serve as ­signs to mark s ­ acred times, and days and y ­ ears, 15  a nd let them be ­l ights in the ­v ault of the sky to give light on the ­earth.” And it was so. 16  God made two g reat l ­ ights — ​the great­er l ­ ight to gov­ern the day and the less­er ­l ight to gov­ern the ­night. He also made the ­stars. 17  God set them in the v ­ ault of the sky to give light on the e ­ arth, 18  to gov­ern the day and the n ­ ight, and to sep­a ­rate l ­ ight from dark­ness. And God saw that it was good. 19  A nd ­there was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ing  — ​the ­fourth day. 20 And God said, “Let the wa­ter teem with liv­ing crea­ tures, and let ­birds fly ­above the ­earth ­across the ­vault of the sky.” 21  So God cre­at­ed the ­g reat crea­t ures of the sea and ev­ery liv­ing t ­ hing with ­which the wa­ter teems and that moves about in it, ac­cord­ing to ­t heir k inds, and ev­ery ­w inged bird ac­cord­ing to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22  God b ­ lessed them and said, “Be fruit­f ul and in­crease in num­ber and fill the wa­ter in the seas, and let the b ­ irds in­crease on the earth.” 23  A nd ­there was eve­ning, and ­there was morn­ ing  — ​the ­f ifth day. 24 And God said, “Let the land pro­duce liv­ing crea­t ures ac­ cord­ing to t ­ heir k ­ inds: the live­stock, the crea­t ures that