NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible NIV Kids' Visual Study Bible - Sampler | Page 5

4 genesis 2:4 2:7 ADA M AND E VE God made the first man out of dust. Both animals and people were created out of the ground with God’s breath of life. 2:8,10 – 14 The location of Eden Eden was probably in the country we know today as Iraq. The location of the rivers tells us that Eden also could have been an area through Egypt and Ethiopia. 2:9 The tree of life This tree was in the middle of the Garden of Eden. It had special fruit. Anyone who ate it would live forever. God gave Adam and Eve access to the tree of life because he wanted them to have eternal life. © annat zisovich/Shutterstock 2:17 Good and evil God warned Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve already knew right from wrong. But they hadn’t seen evil. God was testing if they would obey. 2:18,20 Adam needed a helper. All of God’s other creatures had been created in pairs, but Adam was alone. Eve would provide friendship and help for Adam, and together they would carry on the human race. 4  T his is the ac­count of the heav­ens and the ­earth when they were cre­at­ed, when the Lord God made the e ­ arth and the heav­ens. 5  Now no s ­ hrub had yet ap­peared on the e ­ arth  a and no ­ lant had yet ­sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent p rain on the e ­ arth and t ­ here was no one to work the g ­ round, 6   but ­s treams  b came up from the ­ earth and wa­tered the whole sur­face of the ­g round. 7  T hen the Lord God ­formed a man  c from the dust of the ­g round and b ­ reathed into his nos­trils the b ­ reath of life, and the man be­came a liv­ing be­ing. 8  Now the Lord God had plant­ed a gar­den in the east, in Eden; and ­there he put the man he had ­formed. 9  The Lord God made all ­k inds of ­trees grow out of the ­g round — ​­trees that were pleas­ing to the eye and good for food. In the mid­ dle of the gar­den were the tree of life and the tree of the knowl­edge of good and evil. 10  A riv­er wa­ter­ing the gar­den f ­ lowed from Eden; from there it was sep­a ­rat­ed into four head­wa­ters. 11  T he name of the f ­ irst is the Pi­shon; it w ­ inds t ­ hrough the en­tire land of Hav ­i ­lah, ­where ­t here is gold. 12  ( The gold of that land is good; ar­o­mat­ic res­in  d and onyx are also ­there.) 13  T he name of the sec­ond riv­er is the Gi­hon; it ­w inds ­through the en­tire land of Cush.  e 14  T he name of the t ­ hird riv­er is the Ti­g ris; it runs ­a long the east side of Ash­u r. And the ­fourth riv­er is the Eu­phra­tes. 15  T he Lord God took the man and put him in the Gar­ den of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16  A nd the Lord God com­mand­ed the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the gar­den; 17  but you must not eat from the tree of the knowl­edge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will cer­tain­ly die.” 18  T he Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be a lone. I will make a help­er suit­able for him.” 19  Now the Lord God had f ­ ormed out of the g ­ round all the wild an­i­mals and all the ­birds in the sky. He ­brought them to the man to see what he ­would name them; and what­ev­er the man ­called each liv­ing crea­t ure, that was its name. 20  So the man gave ­names to all the live­stock, the birds in the sky and all the wild an­i­mals. But for Adam  f no suit­able help­er was ­found. 21  So the Lord God c ­ aused the man to fall into a deep s ­ leep; and while he was sleep­ing, he took one of the ­man’s ribs  g and then c ­ losed up the p ­ lace with f ­ lesh. 22  T hen the Lord God made a wom­an from the rib  h he had tak­en out of the man, and he ­brought her to the man. 23  T he man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; a  5 Or land  ; also in verse 6    b  6 Or mist    c  7  The Hebrew for man (adam) sounds like and may be related to the Hebrew for ground (adamah)  ; it is also the name Adam (see verse 20).    d  12 Or good; pearls    e  13 Possibly southeast Mesopotamia    f  20 Or the man    g  21 Or took part of the man’s side    h  22 Or part