NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 13

Mark 6:38    /   1156 38  “How many ­loaves do you have?” he asked. “Go and see.” When they ­found out, they said, “Five — ​and two fish.” 39  Then ­Jesus di­r ect­e d them to have all the peo­ple sit down in ­g roups on the green ­grass. 40  So they sat down in ­groups of hun­dreds and fif­ties. 41  Tak­ing the five loaves and the two fish and look­ing up to heav­en, he gave ­t hanks and ­broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his dis­ci­ples to dis­trib­ute to the peo­ple. He also di­v id­ ed the two fish ­a mong them all. 42  They all ate and were sat­is­f ied, 43  and the dis­ci­ ples ­picked up ­t welve bas­ket­f uls of bro­ken piec­es of ­bread and fish. 44  The num­ber of the men who had eat­en was five thou­sand. Jesus Walks on the Water 45  Im­me­d i­ate­l y ­Jesus made his dis­c i­ ples get into the boat and go on ­a head of him to Beth­sa­i­da, ­while he dis­missed the crowd. 46  Af­ter leav­ing them, he went up on a moun­tain­side to pray. 47  Later that night, the boat was in the mid­d le of the lake, and he was ­a lone on land. 48  He saw the dis­ci­ples strain­ing at the oars, be­cause the wind was ­a gainst them. Short­ly be­fore dawn he went out to them, walk­ing on the lake. He was ­about to pass by them, 49  but when they saw him walk­ing on the lake, they ­thought he was a ­ghost. They ­cried out, 50  be­cause they all saw him and were ter­ri­f ied. Im­me­di­ate­ly he ­spoke to them and said, “Take cour­age! It is I. ­Don’t be ­a fraid.” 51  Then he ­c limbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were com­plete­ly ­a mazed, 52  for they had not un­der­stood ­about the ­loaves; ­t heir hearts were hard­ened. 53  When they had ­c rossed over, they land­e d at Gen­n es­a ­r et and an­c hored t here. 54  As soon as they got out of the boat, peo­ple rec­og­nized ­Jesus. 55  They ran through­out that ­whole re­g ion and car­r ied the sick on mats to wher­ev­er they ­heard he was. 56  And wher­ev­er he went — ​into vil­l ag­e s, ­towns or coun­t ry­s ide — ​t hey placed the sick in the mar­ket­plac­es. They begged him to let them ­touch even the edge of his ­c loak, and all who ­touched it were healed. That Which Defiles 7 The Phar­i­sees and some of the teach­ers of the law who had come from Je­r u­sa­lem gath­ered ­a round Jesus 2  and saw some of his dis­ci­ples eat­ ing food with ­hands that were de­f iled, that is, un­washed. 3  (The Phar­i­sees and all the Jews do not eat un­less they give ­their hands a cer­e­mo­n i­a l wash­ing, hold­ing to the tra­d i­t ion of the el­ders. 4  When they come from the mar­ket­place they do not eat un­less they wash. And they ob­serve many oth­er tra­di­tions, such as the wash­ ing of cups, pitch­ers and ket­t les.  a  ) 5  So the Phar­i­sees and teach­ers of the law ­asked ­Jesus, “Why ­don’t your dis­ci­ ples live ac­cord­ing to the tra­di­tion of the el­ders in­stead of eat­ing ­t heir food with de­f iled hands?” 6  He re­plied, “Isa­iah was ­r ight when he proph­e­sied ­about you hyp­o­crites; as it is writ­ten: “ ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 7 They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’  b 8  You have let go of the com­mands of God and are hold­ing on to hu­man tra­di­tions.” 9  And he con­t in­ued, “You have a fine way of set­ting ­aside the com­mands of God in or­der to ob­serve  c your own tra­di­tions! 10  For Mo­ses said, ‘Hon­or your fa­t her and moth­er,’  d and, ‘Any­one who curs­es ­their fa­t her or moth­er is to be put to ­death.’  e 11  But you say that if any­one de­c lares that what ­might have been used to help ­their fa­t her or moth­er is Cor­ban (that is, de­ vot­ed to God) — ​ 12  then you no lon­ger let them do any­thing for ­their fa­ther or moth­ er. 13  Thus you nul­li­f y the word of God by your tra­di­tion that you have hand­ed down. And you do many ­things like that.” 14  Again ­Jesus ­called the ­c rowd to him and said, “Lis­ten to me, ev­ery­one, and un­ der­stand this. 15  Noth­ing out­side a per­son a  4  Some early manuscripts pitchers, kettles and dining couches    b  6,7  Isaiah 29:13    c  9  Some manuscripts set up    d  10  Exodus 20:12; Deut. 5:16    e  10  Exodus 21:17; Lev. 20:9