NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 14

1157  /   Mark 7:32  can de­f ile them by go­ing into them. Rath­ er, it is what ­comes out of a per­son that de­f iles them.” [16] a 17  Af­ter he had left the ­c rowd and en­ tered the ­house, his dis­ci­ples ­asked him about this par­a­ble. 18  “Are you so dull?” he asked. “Don’t you see that noth­ing that en­ters a per­son from the out­side can de­f ile them? 19  For it ­doesn’t go into their ­heart but into their stom­ach, and then out of the body.” (In say­ing this, ­Jesus de­c lared all ­foods clean.) 20  He went on: “What ­comes out of a per­son is what de­f iles them. 21  For it is from with­in, out of a per­son’s ­heart, that evil ­thoughts come — ​sex­u­a l im­mo­ral­i­t y, t heft, mur­der, 22  adul­tery, ­g reed, mal­ice, de­ceit, lewd­ness, envy, slan­der, ar­ro­gance and fol­ly. 23  All ­these ­evils come from in­ side and de­f ile a per­son.” Jesus Honors a Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith 24  Jesus left that ­place and went to the vi­cin­i­t y of Tyre.  b He en­tered a ­house and did not want any­one to know it; yet he could not keep his pres­ence se­c ret. 25  In fact, as soon as she ­heard ­about him, a wom­a n ­whose lit­t le daugh­ter was pos­ sessed by an im­pure spir­it came and fell at his feet. 26  The wom­an was a ­Greek, born in Syr­i­an Phoe­nic­ia. She ­begged ­Jesus to drive the de­mon out of her daugh­ter. 27  “First let the chil­d ren eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not ­r ight to take the chil­dren’s ­bread and toss it to the dogs.” 28  “Lord,” she re­plied, “even the dogs un­der the ta­ble eat the chil­dren’s crumbs.” 29  Then he told her, “For such a re­ ply, you may go; the de­mon has left your daugh­ter.” 30  She went home and ­found her ­c hild ly­ing on the bed, and the de­mon gone. Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man 31  Then ­Jesus left the vi­c in­i­t y of Tyre and went ­through Si­don, down to the Sea of Gal­i­lee and into the re­gion of the De­ cap­o­lis.  c 32  There some peo­ple ­brought to a  16  Some manuscripts include here the words of 4:23.    b  24  Many early manuscripts Tyre and Sidon    c  31  That is, the Ten Cities    MAKIN’ IT REAL W Mark 7:5 – 14 earing a signature sneaker doesn’t make you an Olympic athlete. Owning a rockin’ electric guitar doesn’t make you a guitar hero. And while obeying your parents’ and teachers’ rules is cool, it doesn’t make you right with God. Ouch! J ­ esus’ message was radical: Changed lives don’t create changed hearts, but changed hearts do create changed lives. Connecting with God starts in your heart. When you have faith in God and love for him on the inside, God transforms you on the outside. Just like with a well that gushes impure water, you have to purify the water source to get clean water. Your behavior will change because of your heart for God. Trying to be a godly person by behaving better will only lead to frustration because you’ll never get it just right. Start by going to the source, your heart, and getting it right with God. Then let him take care of the outside.