NIV Boys Bible NIV Boys Bible | Activities | Page 12

1155  /   Mark 6:37  no ­bread, no bag, no mon­ey in your ­belts. san­d als but not an ex­t ra ­shirt. 10  When­ev­er you en­ter a ­house, stay ­t here un­t il you ­leave that town. 11  And if any place will not wel­come you or lis­ten to you, ­leave that place and ­shake the dust off your feet as a tes­ti­mo­ny ­against them.” 12  They went out and ­preached that peo­ple ­should re­pent. 13  They ­d rove out many de­mons and anoint­ed many sick peo­ple with oil and ­healed them. 9  Wear John the Baptist Beheaded 14  King Her­o d ­heard ­about this, for J ­ esus’ name had be­come well ­known. Some were say­ing,  a “John the Bap­tist has been ­raised from the dead, and that is why mi­rac­u ­lous pow­ers are at work in him.” 15  Oth­ers said, “He is Eli­jah.” And ­still oth­e rs ­claimed, “He is a proph­et, like one of the proph­ets of long ago.” 16  But when Her­od ­heard this, he said, “John, whom I be­head­ed, has been ­raised from the dead!” 17  For Her­od him­self had giv­en or­ders to have John ar­rest­ed, and he had him bound and put in pris­on. He did this be­ cause of He­ro­d i­a s, his broth­er Phil­ip’s wife, whom he had mar­r ied. 18  For John had been say­ing to Her­od, “It is not law­ ful for you to have your broth­er’s wife.” 19  So He­ro­d i­a s ­nursed a ­g rudge ­a gainst John and want­ed to kill him. But she was not able to, 20  be­cause Her­od ­feared John and pro­tect­ed him, know­ing him to be a righ­teous and holy man. When Her­od heard John, he was great­ly puz­zled  b ; yet he ­liked to lis­ten to him. 21  Fi­nal­ly the op­por­t une time came. On his birth­day Her­od gave a ban­quet for his high of­f i­c ials and mil­i­tary com­mand­ers and the lead­ing men of Gal­i­lee. 22  When the daugh­ter of  c He­ro­d i­a s came in and danced, she ­pleased Her­od and his din­ ner guests. The king said to the girl, “Ask me for any­thing you want, and I’ll give it to you.” 23  And he prom­i sed her with an oath, “What­ev­er you ask I will give you, up to half my king­dom.” 24  She went out and said to her moth­er, “What ­shall I ask for?” “The head of John the Bap­tist,” she an­ swered. 25  At once the girl hur­r ied in to the king with the re­quest: “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Bap­tist on a plat­ter.” 26  The king was great­ly dis­t ressed, but be­cause of his ­oaths and his din­ner ­g uests, he did not want to refuse her. 27  So he im­ me­di­ate­ly sent an ex­e­cu­tion­er with or­ders to ­bring ­John’s head. The man went, be­ head­ed John in the pris­on, 28  and ­brought back his head on a plat­ter. He pre­sent­ed it to the girl, and she gave it to her moth­ er. 29  On hear­ing of this, ­John’s dis­ci­ples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand 30  The apos­t les gath­ered ­a round ­Jesus and re­port­ed to him all they had done and taught. 31  Then, be­cause so many peo­ple were com­ing and go­ing that they did not even have a ­chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by your­selves to a qui­et place and get some rest.” 32  So they went away by them­selves in a boat to a sol­i­tary ­place. 33  But many who saw them leav­ing rec­og­n ized them and ran on foot from all the ­towns and got there ­ahead of them. 34  When ­Jesus land­ed and saw a ­large ­crowd, he had com­pas­sion on them, be­cause they were like ­sheep with­out a shep­herd. So he be­gan teach­ing them many things. 35  By this time it was late in the day, so his dis­ci­ples came to him. “This is a re­ mote ­place,” they said, “and it’s al­ready very late. 36  Send the peo­ple away so that they can go to the sur­round­i ng coun­ try­side and vil­lag­es and buy them­selves some­thing to eat.” 37  But he an­s wered, “You give them some­thing to eat.” They said to him, “That ­would take more than half a ­year’s wag­es  d  ! Are we to go and ­spend that much on ­bread and give it to them to eat?” a  14  Some early manuscripts He was saying    b  20  Some early manuscripts he did many things    c  22  Some early manuscripts When his daughter    d  37  Greek take two hundred denarii