Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 92

Journey to My Shaykh By Kanwal Gulzar Kanwal Gulzar is currently a student of third year (‘Aaliyah) at Nur ul Ilm Academy. I love my newfound life. Two years ago, my life looked immensely different. Meeting my Shaykh (spiritual guide) is one of those blessings of Allah  that changed my life forever. Allah  guided me to the truth, brought me out from darkness into light by showering his infinite blessings. I am happy and grateful to be able to share my inspirational story of meeting with my Shaykh as Allah  says in the Quran, َ‫َ ف‬ ّ � ‫َوَأ َّما بن ْع َمة َر ّبك‬ ‫ِ ِ ِ ِ َ ِدث‬ “But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it].” I was living a very ignorant life. I was a working lady and all I wished in life was to have a successful career, and a means of supporting my family in financial matters. My ignorance kept on increasing in me day by day. Until one day, when I was at work, things changed. It was a typical Friday evening; came back home, drank some tea, and sat with my family. My brother came to me and requested for the car key and as my promise earlier that day, I lent him my car. I asked him the reason for borrowing the car and he told me that he needed to visit his Shaykh. Without much thought, NISBAH 92