Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 91

So, in this ayah Allah  is teaching five adaab of the parents. 1. Don’t even say ‘uff’. In Tafseer Bayan-ul-Quran it is written that ‘uff ‘means that not even the slightest expression. Some Mufasireen (masters of Tafseer) say, anything which may make the parents feel bad, so much so that if you take a long sigh, not even a word, just a long sigh, then this is ‘uff ‘. Sayyiduna Ali  narrates that Prophet  has said, ‘if there was any lesser degree then’ uff ‘then Allah  would have mentioned it’. This means the slightest expression of displeasure. Sayyiduna Mujahid v writes in the tafseer (explanation) of this ayah, if parents become old and even if you have to wash their urine and their stool, still don’t even say, ‘uff ’. Just imagine that when you were young this is what they were doing for you. Adab of the Students The adab of students include the students of ilm (knowledge) and students of tazkiyah (spirituality). Firstly, we need to know that ‘knowledge is light’. Knowledge is from the inheritance of the prophets. It is said that ‘Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.’ Somebody asked Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abbas  is knowledge better or wealth? He said, knowledge. The man said what is the proof? Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Abbas  said,’ Knowledge is the inheritance of the prophets and the wealth is the inheritance of the arrogant people like Firawn and Qaroon.’ All the ulema have said and traditionally this is an accepted principle that the way the prophets were respected, the same adab should be shown to the inheritors of the prophets. All the students should know that there should be proper adab that should be given to the teachers. In the Quran Allah I says, َُ ْ َ ْ َ َ‫َ َ َّ ن‬ ْ‫َ ي� أ يُّ�ا ال ِذ ي� آم ُنوا َل تَ� َف ُعوا أص َواتك‬ َْ َُ ْ ‫َ َ َ ِ َّ ّ َ تَ ج‬ ‫ف ْوق ص ْوت الن ِب� َول � َه ُروا ل ِب�لق ْو ِل‬ ُ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ‫َ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ِي ْ َ ت‬ ْ ‫كجه ِر بعضك ِلبعض أن �بط أعالك‬ ِ ٍ َ ُ ُ ْ َ َ ْ ُ‫َ َ ت‬ ‫وأن� ل تشعرون‬ “O you who believe don’t raise your voices over the voice of the Prophet and don’t talk to them in the raised voice”(49:2) In the Ma’ariful Quran in the tafseer of Surah Hujurat, Mufti Shafi v said, ‘it is also when the students are dealing with their teachers, the same adab should be followed.’