Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 76

Advice # 4 – Sunnahs We should try to inculcate as many sunnah acts that we can. The best way of doing this is by being with righteous people (Mashaikh and Ulama [scholars]) who have already inculcated these habits in their lives, and by being with them we can learn them practically. Secondly, reading about the life of the Prophet  also helps. Make a study of the book- Shamail at Tirmidhi. This book details the habits of the Prophet  , the way he dressed, ate etc. Try to implement these habits one at a time. Some other things you can try to implement: 1. Use Miswaak (traditional toothstick) during wudu before each prayer 2. For those who are already firm on their 5 daily prayers, then there are other prayers the Prophet  taught: - Ishraq prayer which is read after sunrise. - Duha (forenoon prayer ) can be read after the time of Ishraq up to Zawwal (Mid day). - Awabeen are six extra rakaats read after Margib prayer. - Tahajjud , the night prayer. 3. I have also learnt from being with my beloved Shaykh that when even getting changed, one should be mindful of doing things in the sunnah way. Remove left side clothing first and when wearing clothes start with the right side. 4. When leaving the house, leave with the left foot first. When enterin g, use the right foot first and say the relevant dua when leaving orentering. 5. Similarly, use the right foot for entering and left for leaving the masjid also reciting the relevant dua. 6. Even when putting the shoes on put the right one in first and when taking shoes off take off, the left one first. 7. It is sunnah to do things in odd numbers wherever possible. If you are eating grapes eat three, five or seven. Sit down when eating and drinking. Advice # 5 – Other tips There are some other general pointers that I would like to mention that also should be contemplated: 1. Lower your gaze – this is a big fitna in the time that we live in. But if one can overcome this challenge then the rewards are immense. Hazrat Zulfikar Ahmad ‫ دامت بركاهتم‬mentioned in a talk that the person who lowers his gaze will taste the sweetness of imaan (faith). SubhanAllah! 2. Leave argumentation – regardless of whether you are right or wrong. The best thing to do is walk away from that conversation.