Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 77

3. Try to humble yourself. 4. Talk less – the tongue is a small piece of flesh but the damage it can do is immense! 5. Try to do lots of khidmat (serving of others) – be that your parents, your family friends, your Shaykh, the Ulema in your community, your neighbours. Basically, anyone you can, help in any way. 6. Live for yourself and not others! Insha’Allah I hope that this article proves to be beneficial. May Allah  forgive my mistakes in anything written above and may Allah  help me act upon what I have written. Please remember Hazrat and his family, the madrassah and if possible the writer in your intimate duas with the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Wasalam. Tahir Hussain lives in the UK, works as a Business Analyst and is a Graduate in Accounting and Finance. He is a student in the third year of the Aalim program ' and has been in the company of Shaykh Tauqeer Chaudhary since 2010. He is married with three beautiful daughters.