Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 75

so that I may forgive him?”(Sahih Muslim) Now the question is how to go about getting up for tahajjud? Like you plan for any important events of your life, tahajjud preps must be done before-hand as well. As you read this, don’t depend on your capabilities. Always depend on His mercy and don’t have a self-defeated attitude. Have a strong conviction in the mercy of Allah and His forgiveness. Tips to wake up for tahajjud 1. Avoid sin – Any sin earns the displeasure of Allah  so it is an absolute must to avoid all sins. A man said to Ibraaheem ibn Adam v, “I cannot pray tahajjud (late night prayer), so tell me the cure for is.” He said, “Do not commit sins during the day, and He will help you to stand before Him at night, for your standing before Him at night is one of the greatest honours, and the sinner does not deserve that honour.” 2. Go to sleep early and make sure to recite certain surahs before sleeping such as Surah Mulk, Surah Nas, Surah Falaq ,Surah Ikhlaas and the Ayat ul Kursi . This will protect you from Shayateen (satans) whilst you sleep. 3. Do not sleep in the state of ritual impurity. part of the evening. 5. Try to stay in wudu (ablution) throughout your day and at the time of going to sleep. 6. Try to fulfil the sunnah of Qailullah (mid day nap), maybe for twenty minutes or so. 7. Dua – Beg Allah  to be invited in this special time. In reality, only those whom He permits are able to get up and perform this prayer. 8. Do lots of istigfaar (forgiveness) and reflect on your sins and cry to Allah  for forgiveness of them. Have conviction that Allah  will indeed forgive your sins, as long as you are sincere in repenting and resolve not to repeat them. Insha’Allah by following the advice above will develop that yearning in the heart, and the hope is that Allah  will grant us the ability to perform tahajjud. In the beginning, if you are struggling to get up, then also get in the habit of praying a couple of rakats with the intention of tahajjud after Isha (night prayer). Even if you were not able to get up at pre dawn time, you will insha’Allah get some reward for having prayed after Isha. 4. Try to eat light foods for dinner in the early 75 NISBAH