Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 73

Advice #1 - Masnoon Duas Advice # 2 - Lengthen the Prayer Allah  mentions in many places in the Quran about doing a lot of dhikr (remembrance): The second tip is to lengthen our prayer. What does that mean? Allah  has given us an opportunity to connect to Him by performing salah (daily prayers). These five daily prayers are in fact a means to draw closer to Allah  as is mentioned in the following hadith qudsi : َّ ْ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُّ‫َّ نَ َ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ ئ ن‬ ‫ال ِذ ي� آمنوا وتطم ِ� قلو�م ِب ِذك ِر الل‬ ِ ‫ب‬ ْ ُّ‫َّ ْ ن‬ ُ ‫َأ َل ب ِذ ْكر الل َتط َم ئ ِ� ال ُق ُل‬ ‫وب‬ ِ ِ ِ “Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” So, the first tip is to try to remember Allah  throughout your day. This is part of what is called ‘Wuquf ul Qalbi’. That means remembering Allah  in the heart but still continuing to being engaged in your day to day activities (work etc). The Mashaikh (spiritual masters) have recommended that we should try to memorise and implement the masnoon duas that were taught by the Prophet  in order to remember Allah  throughout the day. SubhanAllah, if one looks into the duas recorded in the ahadith (narrations) there are duas for almost every situation. The more you use the duas the quicker they will stick in your mind. Set yourself a goal of learning maybe one dua per week or one per month and try implementing it. Insha’Allah, with perseverance and consistency these duas will become second nature! “Whoever draws near to