Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 71

Now we have class with my Shaykh Sahab and as he walks in I get a rush of happiness. My heart is jumping, because I have been given the opportunity to sit in the same room as him. I pray to Allah I , ‘ Ya Allah, give my Shaykh Sahab nur, make me benefit from him, let my heart connect with his.’ I sit there with an open heart, ready to take in every single word that comes out of his mouth, and each word that he says makes a footprint in my heart. I sit in class, smiling and crying, but mostly crying. Everything that he says takes me on a emotional rollercoaster, I am going up and down, thinking of everything, evaluating myself and then I erupt with tears. His words create a flood of emotions in me, he takes me out of this world spiritually. Everyone leaves the class, and I want to do rabitah with Shaykh Sahab. We sit there and I pour my heart out, and do mashwara (seek advice) on all my matters. He sits and listens and gives me the best advice for this world and for my hereafter. I trust him a hundred percent with EVERYTHING. There is no room for doubt. Shaykh Sahab is like my father, he is my friend, he is MY shaykh. The love that I have for him is unexplainable, but I truly love him from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I may not have anything to say, but all I want to do is to sit with him, be around him so that I can absorb the nur (spiritual light) from him. When I am around my Shaykh Sahab, I feel a connection, a spiritual connection, that lifts me off the ground and I am floating. These beautiful teachers have been the biggest blessing in my life. They have guided me, continue to guide me and protect me. They are there for me whenever I need them, and I have totally submitted myself to them. May Allah I continue to bless us with teachers like Shaykh Sahab and Baji Jaan. May Allah I guide and protect them and give them good in this life and the hereafter. May they be raised in a state that their soul is nafs ul mutmainna (content soul). May they be given the shade of the throne, the intersession of our beloved Prophet e, may all their actions be accepted, and may they be raised up with the status of the awliya. Ameen. Love you both so much! Haseena Bhari has a Bachelors of Science in multimedia. She is a wife and mother of two beautiful boys, Dawoud and Zayd and is a student of Khassah at Nur ul Ilm Academy.