Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 70

Love you, Truly ByHaseena Bhari away from me, because the love I feel for these individuals is unexplainable.’ I get a panic in my heart, at the thought of losing this blessing, of being in their company. I get so overwhelmed, with this huge blessing that Allah I has given me. It has changed my life and changed me. I have finished praying and as I sit on my prayer mat, the first people I think of is Shaykh Sahab and Baji Jaan. I cry to Allah I , ‘Ya Allah, protect my Shaykh Sahab and my Baji Jaan. Give them the highest rank in Jannah (Paradise). Always keep me with my teachers ‘Ya Allah and don’t take them It is Sunday morning,, first day of the week at the madrasah (islamic school), and I am skipping within. I am so happy alhumdulillah. I just want to get there quickly. I want to see Baji Jaan before class starts. My day is not complete until I do not give her a big hug and kiss. I just sit with her and listen to her, and take in everything with a open heart. Each word that she says touches me in so many ways. I just submit to it all. I say, ‘ Ya Allah, thank you for making me a part of this madrasah, and a part of my teachers, and blessing me with the company of such pious and humble teachers, alhumdullilah.’ My Baji Jaan is my sister, my mother, she is the one that guides me and protects me. I turn to her when I’m in need of a shoulder to cry on and she is the one that makes me always smile and laugh, and look at the brighter side.