Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 53

have the patron of our madrasah, Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad ‫ دامت بركاهتم‬as the guest of honour on this occasion. He narrated the first hadith along with it’s chain of narrators beginning from himself, and extending all the way to the Prophet Muhammed . This was followed by a very deep and detailed explanation of the hadith itself, and we were mesmerised by his knowledge and eloquence. He concluded with the most beautiful dua (supplication), and every time I think of that day, the same emotions fill my heart, but it is very difficult to describe them in words. None of us thought we were worthy of being the students of Daura Hadith; of holding these magnificent books, and of being part of this blessed ceremony in the company of our blessed teachers. Our hearts were trembling with gratitude for the blessings of Allah  that He had immersed us in, and our eyes were filled v