Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 52

eachers… o My T T e With Lov slam By Saneela A A s every academic year, this final year also started with Orientation Day. Shaykh Sahab gave an emotional and motivational talk to help our minds refocus on our main goal after a long summer break. The final year is known as ‘Daura Hadith’, and in this year we study the big books of ahadith (prophetic narrations); Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami’i Tirmidhi, and Sunan Abu Dawood. We were being given our course books on the same day, so we were told to bring trolley bags to class as the multiple volumes of books were really heavy to carry. We all received our books with a sense of fear, gratitude and a childlike excitement. I remember arranging the books on my study desk and showing them to my children excitedly, ‘Look, mummy will study all these books in one year.’ My sons seemed really NISBAH 52 impressed, but my daughter the book worm, just turned up her nose and said, ‘If babies can be born in nine months, then surely reading these books in one year is no big deal.’ Traditionally in madaris (islamic schools), Daura Hadith begins with a ceremony called, ‘Iftitah-eBukhari’, in which the teacher narrates the first hadith of Sahih Bukhari, along with its chain of narrators and explanation. This is no ordinary ceremony, and anyone who knows the status of Sahih Bukhari in the books of Islam, would know what a huge blessing and honour it is to just be able to listen to these ahadith narrated by a qualified teacher. We were extremely fortunate to