Nisbah Magazine Nisbah, Winter 2013 | Page 51

the performance of a Sunnah (the ways of the Prophet ). There was an inexplicable serenity about her that somehow caressed the heart with genuine care and gentleness. here for an invariable purpose – to worship Him as needy slaves. Those who have gone onwards in the incessant journey leave behind a trail, a reminder that we will follow any moment. She was an exemplary wife – always in the service of her husband, rolling out rotis (a flatbread integral to sub continental cuisine) and serving them hot from the griddle for him to savour. She would shyly brush him away at any subtle attempt by him to make her look special in our presence. She would wait on him day after passing day, moment after lingering moment, never passing a chance to be of service in his presence. There she lay on a stretcher, her body being given ghusl (ritual bath), fresh and dewy, her wrinkles miraculously vanished into the pure, radiant skin, her eyes serenely closed, almost as if she had just moments ago lined them with kuhl and lied down to a peaceful slumber, younger than ever before, more beautiful than she ever could be, embarked on the inevitable voyage to her Lord, Most High. She passed away a couple of months ago by the command of Allah , and with her departed the peaceful soul of my dearest Grandma. She was an avid reader. She would patiently explain to us the depths of `Allamah Iqbal’s reflective poetry. I remember her painting a bed sheet and two pillow cases with trailing vines of colourful flowers and bright, green, fresh leaves, holding her brush in caring hands moving against the fabric in a slow, steady motion with a purpose. She gifted it to me as a wedding present. Life, as we know it, is but a scurry of fleeting moments; there when commanded by Allah , gone when He wills it to be. We were placed َ َ ْ َ َ َ ُّ ُ ‫ك من عل ي�ا فان‬ ٍ Everyone who lives on it (the earth) has to perish (55:26)